From its inception the Ashram has promoted rural industries to empower the rural community.
Training Rural poor for self help
At present it concentrates on kadhi production, echo friendly tannery and leather products, Detergent soap making, honey processing, tailoring, vermi composting, pottery, electrical and electronic works related to agricultural pumps, television and two wheelers.
Making Leather Goods
Soap Making
Book Binding
Motor Repairs
Fashion Technology
Making Steel Furniture
TV Repairing
Technology Development Programmes
Gandhiniketan has significantly contributed to the development of rural technologies in the areas of leather products and pottery.
The smokeless and fuel-efficient firewood stoves developed by the Ashram have been installed in a large number of homes in the rural areas. The intermediate technology development group of London came forward to propagate the smokeless stove technology among rural artisans.
Smokeless Fuel Efficient Firewood Stoves
Gandhi Niketan has made a name as a center for training officials involved in rural development and Panchayati Raj. It is indeed a matter of pride that since 1947 all the officials and non-officials engaged in Panchayati Raj and rural development programmes in our state have been trained by the Ashram. In recent years the Ashram with the support of Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed University) offers short training programmes for elected leaders.