Events 2022
Ashram Foundation Day-28.04.2022
Foundation day was celebrated in our Gandhiniketan Ashram on 28.04.2022. The special prayer was conducted at 6.00A.M. in Gandhimandapam. After the prayer our Ashram President Padmashri Prof.Dr.R.Venkataswami ayya delivered Message through online.
This day is a milestone in our Ashram history. Our Ashram was established for the betterment of the village children by our founder G.Venkatachalapathy Ayya. His motive was to develop the nation. He was patriotic teacher. He studies his teacher Training course at C.S.I. Institute Pasumalai. Lalbeer, a British man was his teacher. His teacher asked our Founder G.venkatachalapathy ayya why he wanted to become a teacher. He replied that he wanted to quit British people like him (Lalbeer) from the country. He was bold enough to say these words.
In 1930 our founder introduced 5 years plan. This plan was implemented by Ko.Ve. Ayya in Gopinayakkanpatti. It was appreciated by Mahatma Gandhiji in his Magazine “Harijan”.
Our Founder worked as a Headmaster for three years in Gopinayakkanpatti. At that time he invited many innovative methods in the school like Singing patriotic songs in prayers, Reading moral values from books, make the students participate in village service. He wrote “kadhar Abivirithi” song in the remembrance of Gandhiji’s constructive plans. He made Gopinayakkanpatti as a model village. Our Ashram President asked the teachers to do their work with dedication like our Founder.
After that we paid a floral tribute at Founder’s samathi, Gandhiji’s statue and Founder’s Statue.
There was a Public meeting at 3.00 P.M. in our Auditorium. The meeting started with a prayer. Sri.N.Shanmugasundaram, Secretary, Gandhiniketan Ashram delivered the welcome address through online. Dr.V.Ragupathy, Governing Body Member, Gandhiniketan Ashram introduced the Chief Guest Smt.Kamatchi Swaminathan and honoured her. Smt.Kamatchi Swaminathan, National Vice President, Saskam, New Delhi and Director of Deemahi, Madurai, delivered Special address.
Welcome address by our Ashram Secretary Sri.N.Shanmugasundaram
In her address she told that this is a holy place. Because many great leaders have visited our Ashram. She asked the students to possess self-control, division making and stress free life. She explained to above qualities through stories. She asked the students to be more confident then only they will get success in their life.
Dr.V.Geetha Secretary of our School delivered vote of Thanks. The meeting came to an end with the National Anthem.
Gandhiji and J.C.Kumarappa’s Remembrance Day – 30.01.2022 Sarvodaya Day / Martyr’s Day
Gandhiji and J.C.Kumarappa’s Remembrance day was observed in our Ashram on 30.01.2022. A special prayer was conducted in Gandhi Mandabam at 6.00 A.M.
Morning Special prayer at Gandhimandabam
After the prayer our Ashram President Prof.Dr.R.Venkataswami Ayya delivered special message through online. In his message he told that this day is the remembering day of what Gandhiji and Kumarappa have done for the society.
Kumarappa stayed in our Ashram for 5years. Kumarappa was very bold. He was the true disciple of Gandhiji. He guided our Ashram for serving the society. We must learn the qualities of punctuality importance of prayer, planning the goal and truthfulness from these great leaders.
After that Ashram Governing body member Dr.V.Regupathi delivered a message. He told that Kumarappa stayed in our Ashram from 1954 to 1960. He had in touch with our Ashram since 1944. He led a life like “Rishi”. He considered our Ashram As “Seva Gram”. Because of Kumarappaji’s great effort we have Gandhiji’s statue in our Ashram. After the death of Kumarappa his ash was brought and kept in our Ashram. The souls of the great leaders are still in our Ashram.
After that we paid floral tribute to Gandhiji’s statue and Kumarappa’s samathi.
Siramdhan – 29.01.2022
Our staff members are cleaning our campus area
Republic Day -26.01.2022
We celebrated 73rd Republic day on 26.01.2022 on our Gandhiniketan Ashram. Our secretary Smt.Dr.V.Geetha hoisted the National flag at Rejendra Prasad square she talked about the importance of the Republic day. Our Ashram is a great place. When Rajendra Prasad was the president of India, he came here to meet J.C.Kumarappaji, our founder G.Venkatachalapathy ayy and visited the constructive plans of our Ashram. She also talked about Gandhiji’s “Poorna swarajyam and Panchayat Raj”.
National Fag hoisting and special address by our School Secretary
After that we all gathered in our Auditorium at 9.00 AM in our Auditorium fort the meeting. The meeting started with the prayer. Smt.Dr.V.Geetha welcomed all.
Dr.K.Palani Durai, Rtd.Prof. Gandhigram Rural University delivered the special address in his address he told us we must be good citizen by ourselves. According to Nelson Mandela we struggled a lot to get freedom . We have to struggle continuously to protect that freedom.
If we want to be good citizens we must be generous and responsible. We must be responsible in all our activities like behavior, attitude, class room management, Toilet usage environment cleaning etc.
In village we have the problem of deficiency in nutrition and Anemia. In town we come across obesity. This situation is the example for irresponsibility of our health maintenance. Good teachers have the ability to create good citizens. Teachers must give importance to the feelings of the poor and development of the villages. Every Village must fulfill the needs of their own.
Ashram founder G.venkatachalapathy ayya established Ashram to create good citizens. Teachers must keep this in mind and work with dedication. Sri.M.Nagarajan HM thanked all. The meeting came to an end with the National Anthem.
Mattupongal – 15.01.2022
We celebrated Mattu Pongal in our Ashram Dairy farm. Before celebrate our dairy farm building wall renovated, white washed and decorated for the festival. All the Cattle were washed well and decorated with flowers, sandal and kumkum.
Pongal was prepared in the dairy farm after prayer pongal and sugarcane were distributed to the teachers students and cattle. Our Ashram President participate through online, our school Secretary, HM and staff members participated in this festival.
Pongal Kolam Competition – 13.01.2022
Dr.J.C.Kumarappa’s 130th Birth Anniversary – 04.01.2022
Dr.J.C.Kumarappa’s 130th Birth Anniversary was celebrated in our Gandhiniketan Ashram on 04.01.2022. The special prayer was conducted at 6.00 AM in our Gandhimandapam. After the prayer our Ashram president Prof.Dr.R.Venkataswami Ayya delivered the special message through online.
Morning Special prayer at Gandhimandabam
Special Message by our President ayya
In his message he told that Kumarappa was the true discipline of Gandhiji. Kumarappa was very intelligent and bold. His soul was filled with Gandhiji. He was a true Christian and a patriotic leader also.
O.P.Ramasamy Reddiar, Former Chief Minister formed a committee to improve the village economics under the leadership of Kumarappa. Our founder G.Venkatachalapathy Ayya was the Secretary for this committee. Dr.J.C.Kumarappa pointed out the mistakes who ever made it. Many great leaders like Vinobaji, Dr.Rajendra Prasath and Sri.Jayaprakash Narayanan had visited our Ashram when Kumarappa was here. Our Ashram is considered to be a sacred place. With Kumarappa’s great effort our founder placed Gandhian statue in our Ashram.
Our Ashram president Prof.R.Venkataswami Ayya had a chance to serve Kumarappa when he was admitted in Rajiv Gandhi hospital Chennai.
Bajan at santhivan
After that we all gathered at Shanthivanam at 8.45 A.M. namasangeerthanam was conducted by our Ashram group. We paid a floral tribute in Kumarappa’s samathi and founder’s Samathi.
Floral offering
Then we all gathered at Auditorium at 9.30A.M for the meeting. Our Secretary Smt.Dr.V.Geetha welcomed all.
Welcome address by our secretary
Our governing body member Dr.V.Ragupathy delivered special address. In his address he described the noble qualities of kumarappa like hard work, doing Regular prayer, service to the needy saving and simplicity. Kumarappa studied CA(charted Accountant) in England and he studied M A Economics in Colombia University London. Where P.R.Ambethkar studied. After that Kumarappa made research on “Public Service”. He conducted that government should take responsibility for poverty in the society. He submitted this report to Mahatma Gandhiji.
Dr.j.C.Kumarappa was in prison for 4 years At that time he wrote the famous book. “Economy of Permanance”. From 1947 to 1954 kumarappa stayed in Seva gram-Mahan Vadi Ashram. He considered our Gandhiniketan Ashram as Seva gram.
In 1956 Rajendra Prasath, president of India came to our Ashram to meet Kumarappa and opened the Gandhiji’s statue. At that time Sri.Kamarajar, Sri.Bakthavavatchalam were also present here. We have the photo copy of this rare scene in our Gandhimandapam.
Kumarappa planned his cottage and stayed here. His memorial is also here. He died on 30th January – the day Gandhiji died. Our founder G.Venkatachalapathy Ayya brought Kumarappa’s ash and constructed this memorial. We also all blessed to be here in this Ashram.
Sri.M.Nagarajan HM thanked all. The meeting came to an end with the National Anthem.