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2018 Events:
Thiruvathirai – 23.12.2018
Thiruvathirai was celebrated at Vinayagar temple in our Ashram. It is our traditional occasion to receive the blessing of “ Lord Siva ” After our Margali Bhajan our both school HMs, teachers, central – office staff members and hostel students assembled at 7.30 A.M. The Idols of Lord Natarajar and Sivakami Ammal were kept ready for special Pooja.
Abisegams were performed. Our Ashram president Prof. R.Venkataswami Ayya watched this Thiruvathirai through Skype. Finally Kali and Pongal prasadams were distributed to the devotees.
Christmas Day was celebrated in our school on 22.12.18 in our Auditorium. The meeting started with the prayer. All the Teachers and students participated in the function. Our Hr. Sec. School HM Sri.V.Veeraraj Welcomed the gathering. Smt.Dr.Reeta, Principal, Nursing College, Madurai delivered presidential talk. In her talk she insisted that students should have the qualities like
(i) Avoid watching T.V., (ii) Do exercises daily, (iii) Know the value of time, (iv) Read the newspapers daily, (v) Develop the good hobbies like painting, collecting stamps etc.
This will help the students to bring their next level.

Magic show by Mr Ruban

Christmas message by Sri.Soloman Pastor C.S.I.Church, Pasumalai
Finally Selvan.Siva Ganesh Pandi, X – E appeared as ‘Santa claus’ and distributed the gifts. Sri.V. VeeraRaj, HM thanked all. The function came to an end with the National Anthem.
Christmas was celebrated on 21st Dec’18 with geity.The celebration had taken place in the school ground. The function started with special prayer. Mrs .V.Muthumari, Teacher dedicated a solo and made the prayer more powerful. Everyone prayed for the permanant existence of love and peace in this violent – torn world.

The whole school was beautifully decorated. Mrs.K.R. Revathi, teacher welcomed the audience. Mrs R. Parimala Headmistress delivered the chistmas message at the event which was presided over by Mr.Veeraraj Headmaster. Mr Senthil Arumugam,Teacher told about the significance of this festival to the students. Mr.Murugan ,Senior staff, central office who came and lighted the candle. There were melodious songs presented by girls. A group of girls from 3rd standard who danced beautifully. A tree too had been decorated with bright and colourful balloons and other craft materials.There were also a surprise element towards the end of the function.

Special address by Mr.M.Senthil Arumugan, Vocational Teacher
A girl Keerthana who dressed as santa clause arrived and filled the entire crowd with joy and gifts. The kids of the school also participated in many activities related to Christmas like colouring and drawing a Christmas tree, santa claus ,stars and bells.

Vote of Thanks by our Teacher Mrs.Vijaya
They exhibited their creativity in decorating their classrooms more colourful.Everyone got drowned in the happy festive vibes. Mrs.Vijaya, teacher gave vote of thanks.The celebration came to end with sweet distribution.
State Level Sports Winners
Childrens Day and Primary school Sports Day – 14.11.2018
Children’s day was celebrated on 14th November 2018 in our school Auditorium. The function started with the prayer at 2.00 p.m. All the students and teachers participated.

Presidential address by our Chief Guest Dr.Geetha Aram
Sri.M.Nagarajan, A.H.M welcomed the gathering Dr.Geetha Aram, Aram Multi speciality Hospital, Madurai, presided over the meeting. In her presidential address she stressed the importance of good habits and hygienic procedures. She told that life should be useful to the society. She praised the service of our president Dr.Prof.R.Venkatasami.He is a pioneer of hand surgery and established the 24 hours hand injury service first of its kind in India, at Government Stanley Hospital,Chennai.Thousand of people are living life with hands because of this effort and high skill.
Dr.G.Venkatasami, Founder Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai, an Indian ophthalmologist who dedicated his life to eliminate blindness. She also asked the students (Innum Konjam Munneru) go further as “Mantra”.

Vote of thanks by our PG Teacher Mrs.S.Abirami
Dr.Aram, Aram Multi speciality Hospital delivered felicitation talk. In his talk he told “Fine feathers make fine birds. “Everyone must possess the qualities of honesty, punctuality, truth hard work and dedication. Then only we will achieve a lot in our life. Smt.S.Abirami, P.G.English thanked all. The meeting came to an end with the National Anthem.
Primary Sports Day:
Our primary school Annual sports meet started with prayer at 9.00 A.M on 14.11.18, Wednesday. Our Headmistress Smt.R.Parimala welcomed the gathering. Then flag hoisting ceremony began.

Ashram Flag Hoisted by Dr.Aram
School Flag Hoisted by our Hr Sec HM

Students March Past
National Flag-hoisted by Sri.Chinnasamy Pandian, Executive officer,Town panchayat, T.kalluppatti.
Olympic Flag-hoisted by Sri.M.Muthu Ram-Fire officer, Fire station T.Kalluppatti..
Our school Flag-Hoisted by Sri V.Veeraraj, Headmaster.
There was a Beautiful march past by our students. Dr.Geetha Aram D.Ch; M.D (Pharm) was honoured by their salutation. Dr.Murali Raj lighted the Olympic torch.Dr.Aram declared open the competitions.

100 mtrs Running

In-out Game

Lucky corner – chief Guest

Fillup the Water Can
The following Competitions were conducted
50m race, 100m race, Frog race, Kangaroo race, sack race, skipping race, Lemon and Spoon, Rolling Tyres, Breaking the balloons, filling bottles with water collecting the balls.etc.
Heritage sports:
Pallanguli, Thattangal, Pambaram, Kolikundu.
Kabbadi, kho-kho.
At the end there was lucky corner competition for the guests and parents separately.

Kangaroo Race

Prize distribution

Prize distribution
Prizes to the winners were distributed by the guests and teachers. Sri.Lakshmana Kumar, Physical Director, Sri.K.Murugan, and N.Tamil Elakkia Physical Education Teachers helped to conduct all the events.Smt.G.VijayaRani thanked all. The function came to an end with the National Anthem at 12.10P.M.
navarathiri kolu & saraswathi pooja 10.10.18 – 18.10.18
Saraswathi Pooja:
Saraswathi Pooja was celebrated in our school auditorium on 18.10.2018 at 9.15 A.M. The function started with Bhajans by Sri.Kadambarajan and his groups.
All the students, teachers of both primary and higher secondary schools and the staff members of our central office participated in the function.

Special Address by Our English Teacher Smt.S.Abirami
Smt.S.Abirami P.G.English teacher delivered special talk about “Navarathiri” and its importance. There are two types in Navarathiri.One Navarathiri comes in Tamil month chithirai, That is vasantha Navarathiri and the next one comes in ‘purattasi’ that is saratha navarathiri.
She also explained the spiritual actions of goddess mahishasura Mardhini whom we celebrate poojas for first three days, in the nine days of Navarathiri pooja. Goddess mahalakshmi-whom we pray for next 3 days. Goddess saraswathi-we put poojas for the last 3 days, through ‘purana stories’. After that prasadam was given to all…
Navarathiri Kolu:

Our Vocational Teacher Mr.M.Senthil Arumugam Explain about ‘Kolu’
Ashram Opening Day-12.10.2018
Our GandhiNiketan Ashram was established on 12th October 1940.on that day it was opened by Sarthar Vetha Rathinam pillai on request of our founder G.Venkatachalapathy Ayya.We remembered that day today. The special prayer was conducted at manimandabam at 6.00 AM .All the hostel student’s teachers of both primary and higher secondary schools, staff-central office participated in the prayer.
Morning Special Prayer at manimandabam
Our ashram president Prof Dr.R.Venkatasami Ayya talked through Skype. In his talk he remembered the day. Our ashram was started 79 years back.It is growing and will grow for many centuries. We must have strong faith and determinations to develop our institution.
He remembered the services of our founder through Teacher’s National club.
1) Student’s welfare.2) School development 3) Teachers should be the role model 4)How to conduct morning assembly 5) Importance of the celebration of national festivals 6) Removal of untouchability and 7) Betterment of villages

Floral offering
So everyone must do his duties to Ashram. After namasangeerthanam we paid a floral tribute to founder’s samathi. The public meeting was started in the auditorium at 9, 30 A.M.
Smt.V.Radha secretary Gandhiniketan Ashram welcomed the gathering. In her welcome address. She remembered the builders of our Ashram sardhar vedha Rathinam pillai.T.S.S.Rajan, N.M.R.Suburaman (Madurai Gandhi) etc. Our founder wished to offer best education with displine.

Welcome address by our Secretary
Dr.V.Ragupathi, governing body member delivered special address. In his talk he told that our institution is a holy place.we have Gandhi signed statue here.Many great leaders like Rajendra Prasad, J.C.Kumarappa, Abdul kalam have come here.Our founder loved gandhiji very much.what Gandhiji told was the “Veda” for our founder. His only motto was to spread gandhian principles.Here we are all gifted to be a part of the institution.we must continue the constructive plans of our founder.
Speical Address by our governing Body Member Mrs.P.Thilagavathi
Our governing body member Tmt.P.Thilagavathi in her greetings told today is the birthday of our Ashram.Everybody should remember this day as his /her own birthday.Our Ashram was started to help the poor and needy. For this he followed 18 constructive plans of Gandhiji.She asked the students to follow our founder’s noble qualities. Bright students may help the slow learners on education. That is also a service. students should maintain the environment clean. Students should maintain the environment clean.students must possess moral values like patriotism,self respect and discipline.That is the real tribute to him.
Vote of thanks by our Primary HM
Smt.Parimala, Headmistress G.N.G.V.P.S thanked all. The meeting came to an end with the national Anthem.
Gandhi Jayanthi was celebrated in our Gandhiniketan Ashram on 02.10.2018. there was a special prayer in Gandhimandabam at 6.00 AM. All the hostel students, teachers of both Higher Secondary and Primary school, Central office staff participated in the prayer.

Morning special prayer at Gandhimandabam
Our Ashram Governing body member Sri.V.Ragupathi gave message on Gandhi Jayanthi. He shared our founder G.Venkatachalapthy’s meeting with Gandhiji. After that our founder decided to start Gandhiniketan Ashram. Many of Gandhiji’s disciples have arrived to our Gandhimandabam.

Gandhiji gave importance to untouchability, Social Integration and hard work throughout his life. India’s soul is Gandhiji. Non-Violence is the gift to India by him. He stressed the importance of the song “ Ragupathi Ragava”. Through this song we come to know that God is one. Gandhiji’s ash is placed at Gandhimandabam, under Gandhiji’s signed statue and J.C.Kumarappa’s Samadhi in our Ashram. This is really a holy place we should remember the great leader and pay tribute to him by following his principles.

Relay spinning was also conducted. Our national Flag was hoisted by our Ashram Secretary Smt.V.Radha at 8.30 A.M. The students went on a procession in the main streets of T.Kallupatti, raising slogans like Mahatma Gandhi kku Jai, Jai Hind etc. after the procession we all gathered at 10.00 A.M. in the Auditorium for the meeting. Smt.V.Radha, Secretary, Gandhiniketan Ashram welcomed the gathering and delivered presidential address. In her talk she gave a detailed picture of Mahatma Gandhiji’s “My experiment with Truth”. Mahatma considered “Harichandra as his real Guru. She remembered the promises revealed his self-confidence. His life in South Africa was the golden period, because Gandhiji began to practice Ahimsa there itself. Braveness, transparency made him “Mahatma”.

Chief Guest address by Dr.K.Palanidurai, Rtd.Prof. Gandhigram Rural University
Dr.K.Palanidurai, Rtd. Prof. Gandhigram Rural university delivered special address. In his talk he motivated students by saying “Be conscious and be aware. He also said that “ A perfect man is God”. He talked about the importance of self-confidence, faith in God. Students must learn the books about the great leader. He told why we call Gandhiji as Mahatma and Father of the Nation. It is all because he practiced what he preached. The great leaders like Martin Luther King, nelson Mandela were also inspired by gandhiji and followed truth and non-violence to succeed in their life.
Vote of Thanks by our HM Sri.V.Veeraraj
Thoughts words and actions were same in Gandhiji’s life. He also remembered the thoughts of Lal Bahathur Sasthri. The Prime Minister Sastri was very simple. He showed much interest in the improvement of farmers. If we take an Oath to follow these leaders, it will be a real tribute to them. Our Hr. Sec School HM Sri.V.Veemaraj thanked all. The meeting came to an end with the National Anthem.
Vinayagar chathurthi was celebrated in our school auditorioum on 13.9.18.Ashram Secretary Smt.V.Radha, all the Students, and Teachers of the Primary and Higher Secondary School and Staff, Central Office took part. Sri.Kadambarajan and his group Sang Vinayagar Songs.

Vinayagar chathurthi special Bajan at auditorium
Sri.S.Murali Krishnan B.T.Asst.Science talked about the Speciality of vinayagar. The letter ‘V’ in Vinayagar stands for “victory”. So, he 1’s the God of victory. Lord Vinayagar is also called as Vigneshwaran.
Vignam means destroying the sorrows. He also expressed why we put ‘Vilambalam, Guava Mothagam and Avalpori to Vinayagar as Prasadam. In Vilambalam the outer part is hard, the inner part is soft. If we put hardware in every action the task will be fruitful. Guava is a fruit of mixed seeds similarly in our life we have joy and sorrows. Mothagam stands for destroying the inner disputes. Aval and Pori meant for wealth.

Prasadam Distribution
After that prasadam was given to all the students and teachers.
TEACHERS DAY-05.09.2018
Primary School:
Teachers’ day is celebrated every year on 5th of September to commemorate the birth of Dr. Radhakrishnan as well as pay honour to the teachers. A teacher has greater influence in shaping children even more than their parents. Keeping this in mind, the school organised a grand function for its teachers to honour and acknowledge their contribution in helping and moulding the students.
A special assembly was held at Thavasi Ayya Square in which the students expressed their respect on teachers through special poems. A student sasmitha dedicated beautiful ‘Kavithai’ for teachers and it was appreciated by one and all.

Mrs Kousalya ma’am delivered her special address about Dr. Radhakrihnan who devoted his life for the cause of education in the country. The headmistress Mrs.Parimala ma’am addressing the entire school, lauded the entire staff for their contribution to the school.
The management of the school was very kind to appreciate the hard work of the teachers. In order to show love and gratitude towards teachers, the students personally presented handmade cards and mini gifts. The teachers were touched by series of fun made by all the students of the school as they made each teacher feel special. On this day, there was an unusual excitement in the school atmosphere. This day was truly a memorable day for the teachers.
Lastly and most importantly, Packialakshmi ma’am shared a few words as encouragement for students who had dedicated events for the teachers. The programme concluded with vote of thanks.
Hr.Sec School:
Teachers day was celebrated in our school at our auditorium. The function started with the special prayer.
Ashram president Prof.Dr.R.Venkataswami ayya talked through skype. In his talk he wished all teachers. Students must have true faith. They must share their feelings and discuss the problems if any. Guru-Shisya” relationship must be maintained always. It will help them throughout their life. He also remembered about the great educators K.C.Kothari and Lakshmanasamy Muthaliar.
He asked the teachers teach the students not only the lessons but also discipline, sincerity and truth. Teachers must work with full commitment. Great inventors and leaders are not born. They are motivated and inspired to do great things by great teachers.
Teachers must identify the individual talents of the students. They must be role model to them.
Selvan Velmurugan X std students talked on “The teacher-I Like”. Teachers must inspire the students through their teaching.
Smt.P.Renugadevi, P.G. Asst, Tamil deliverd the special speech about Dr.Radhakrishnan. in her talk she insisted about Guru-Shisyan relationship.
Like, Narathar and Valmiki, Thronachariar and Pandavars, Aristotile and alexander, Ramakrishna Paramahamsar and Vivekananda. Teachers are also the well wishers of the students.

Teachers are not only teachers. They are your friend, Philosopher and Guide. Abdulkalam told “Teaching is a very noble profession that shapes the character, caliber and future of an individual. If the people remember me as a good teacher, that will be the biggest honour for me”. A good teacher is like a candle. It consumes itself to light the way for others.
Naladaway Motivational Programme<click here>
Krishna Jayanthi –Gokulashtami was celebrated on 3rd September in our Ashram. All the teachers and students participated. Sri.Kadambarajan and his group sang many songs about Lord Krishna.

Bajan and Special Address by Our English Teacher Mrs.J.Krishadeepa
Smt.J.Krishna Deepa delivered a talk about “Lord Krishna. She talked about “Krishnna’s Avathar”. Lord Krishna faced so many problems from his birth itself. But he did not take them as problems. He preached “BhavatGeetha”. From Bhagavat Geetha everybody can learn all the best things. Let us all worship God Krishna for blessings.
Primary School:
Each year as we joyously rejoice in lord Krishna’s birth, we are reminded that he is a living embodiment of the blissful self. A special assembly was conducted to mark the birth of the deity. The campus came alive with the divine speech by teachers and songs and dances by students depicting scenes from Lord Krishna’s life. A photo of lord Krishna was kept in the school for worship.
Mrs.Kaveri, school teacher welcomed the audience.A second standard student came dressed up as Krishna. With her laudable performance, she adorned the stage and mesmerized the audience.A Dance by girls ensured that everyone understood the significance of the festival. The students stole the hearts of everyone by their colourful events. Beautiful decorations were put up to make this event more cheerful and colourful.
Our School celebrated Janmastami with a special assembly, where a speech, with diverse Leelas of sri Krishna and his birth was told by the teacher Mrs.Revathi illustrating the fact that whenever there will be dominance of evil, ‘He’ will reincarnate to destroy the evil and save the good.
The presence of lord Krishna was felt in the campus through the activities which were held in school as a part of the celebration. School headmaster wished the children on the occasion. The children enjoyed the festival. Mrs.V.Muthumari teacher thanked the audience and everyone concerned who made the function such a success
Sports meet winners
Usilampatti Educational District level “B-Zone” sports meet was conducted on 07.08.2018 and 16.08.2018 in Kshatriya Nadar High School, Sathangudi. Our school students participated as competitions and won 72 medals totally.
Boys: 1st Place 6 Items, 2nd Place 6 Items, 3rd Place 13 Items Total – 25 Items.
Girls: 1st Place 18 Items, 2nd Place 16 Items, 3rd Place 13 items Total – 47 items.
Independence Day Celebration – 15.08.2018
We celebrated 72nd Independence Day 0n 15.08.2018 in our Ashram. Smt.V.Radha Our Ashram Secretary hoisted the National Flag on Rajendra Prasad Square at 8.30 Am. After that we gathered at Independence Day Silver jubilee Memorial Pillar at our school promises. We took oath for the integrity of our nation. Then students went on a procession along the main streets of T.Kallupatti, rising the slogans “Jaihind, vande Madharam, Bharath Mathaki Jai” etc. The Procession with band attracted all.

Independence Day meeting was conducted in our Auditorium at 10.00Am our Ashram secretary Smt.V.Radha welcomed the gathering. In her welcome address. She talked about the importance of nature. Students should save the trees in our surroundings, and every student must adapt one tree and take care of it.

Welcome Address by our secretary

Students speech- Velmurugan-X std
Vote of Thanks by our HM
In his presidential address Sri.V.Ragupathi, Ashram Governing body member told about the importance of the duties of students. He expressed his views through “Thirukkural”.
After that 3rd, 5th and 10th Std students talked about the importance of Independence.
Our Hr. sec. School HM Sri.V.Veeraraj, thanked all. The meeting came to an end with the National anthem.
Please click Here for Annual Day Celebrations- Invitation
109th Birthday Celebrations of our Founder Amarar G.Venkatachalapathy and Ashram’s 78th Annualday
23.07.2018 to 30.07.2018
In connection with the 109th Birthday celebrations of the Founder Gandhiniketan Ashram, Amarar G.Venkatachalapathy ayya and 78th Annual Day Celebrations of Gandhiniketan Ashram many competitions were held.
First Day (23.07.2018)
In Tamil Literature, Elocution, Essay Writing, Lyrics, Thirukkural, Kondraivendan recitation and drawing competitions were conducted.
Second Day (24.07.2018) – Science Exhibition
More than hundred students prepared in organizing the science Exhibition. Sri.Velaiyan, Rtd.JE, ISRO and Organiser, Kumari Forum declared open the exhibition.

Special address by our Ashram Member Smt.P.Thilagavathi

Special address by Mr.Maniraj, Technical Asst., ISRO

Students watching the exhibits
Smt.V.Radha, Secretary, Gandhiniketan Ashram and P.Thilagavathi Governing Body Memeber, Gandhiniketan Ashram emphasised that students should have interest in doing researches in all subjects and the experts can create anything meaningful. Sri.Maniraj old student of our school and Technical Assistant, ISRO, Mahendragiri told that we should create interest in science through inventions, displayed in the exhibitions like this.
Third Day (26.07.2018)- Village Heritage Sports
Village Heritage Sports were held on third day on 26.07.2018. In the presence of our Headmaster and teachers our Ashram Secretary Smt.V.Radha, Dr.Muraliraj, Primary Health Centre, T.Kallupatti declared open the competitions.



Vattathu raja


Slow cycle race

Volleyball game for Teachers
Thattangal, Kilithattu, Nondi, Music Chair, Pallanguli, Thayam, Paramapatham, Slow cycle race and Mini Marathan were the games played by the girls. Kabadi, Pambaram, Kitti, Aadu puli Attam, Sack Race, Slow Cycle Race, Koli Kundu, Vattathu Raja and Mini Marathan were played by the boys. The boys and girls took part with enthusiasm in the more or less forgotten competitions. An interesting feature of this year for the participation of teachers in sports events – man played Volleyball and women for Musical Chair.
Fourth Day (27.07.2018) – Cultural Day
As a part of our anniversary we celebrated the cultural festival on 27.07.18, Friday in our school Auditorium. The cultural programme started with the prayer. Our Chairman Prof.Dr.R.Venkataswami Ayya Inaugurated the programme through Skype. Our Ashram secretary Smt.V.Radha Akka, Our Head master, all the teachers, students and parents were also present.

Teacher Chorus


English Drama

Abinaya Nadanam

Mime Show
The students of our primary school gave the following cultural items. Gopiar Nadanam, Group dance, Bharatham, Fancy dress, Tamil drama were performed. Primary school teachers Smt.Muthumari sang a song.
After the break the programmes of our higher secondary school started Bharatham, Kolattam, Kummi, Aerobics, Kavadiattam, Karaham, Mime Show, Tamil drama, English drama, Sivathandavam, Oyillatam and pyramid were performed.
A large number of parents and all the students appreciated and enjoyed the cultural programmes.
In connection with the Anniversary celebrations Prizes were distributed by our chairman Dr.Prof.R.Venkataswami Ayya. In His presidential address he told that students should develop their individual talents. He also mentioned that we have planned to create art and literary club. It will help them to shine in future life. Ashram governing body members Smt.P.Thilagavathi and Sri.V.Ragupathi participated in the programme.

Prizes were distributed to academic Rank holders, winners in various competitions and mementoes to all the teachers and staff members of Gandhi Niketan Ashram.
SIXTH DAY (30.07.18) – Founder’s Day and Ashram Annual Day Celebrations.
The 109th Birthday celebrations of our Ashram Founder Amarar G.Venkatachalapathy Ayya and 78th Annual Day of Our Ashram were held on 30 july 2018.
A Special prayer was conducted at Gandhi Mandapam at 6.00A.M.In the Prayer meeting our chairman talked about our founders simplicity and life style. He quoted that when our founder was working in the secretariat he did not change his dress code of wearing dhoti. He reminded our Ashram prayer song “Kadhar Abiviruthi” composed by our founder. In that he narrated 18 vows which are based on the constructive programme has expounded by MK Gandhi. By following our founders ideas in our life is the best way of remembering him today.

Welcome and Presidential Address by Ashram Member Dr.V.Ragupathy

Poetess Smt.Meenakshi, Auroville hoisted our Ashram flag in Dr.Rajendra Prasad square at 8.45 AM.
Nama sangeerthanam was sung by our Music teacher Kadambarasan and group in santhivanam at 9.00 AM. After that we paid a floral tribute at Founder’s samathi.
The public meeting started at Auditorium at 10.00 AM with the prayer. Our Chairman Prof.Dr.R.Venkataswami Ayya welcomed the gathering. Our Ashram Secretary smt.V.Radha Presented the Annual Report.

Smt.Meenakshi delivered her founders oration. She emphasized the importance of Gandhism and Dr.J.C.Kumarappa’s principles. She explained about four types of meditation. They are 1. Loving kindness Meditation 2. Mindfulness Meditation 3. Energetic Meditation and 4. Transcending Meditation
She told that our institution always has the spiritual atmosphere because of Neem Trees. As our Institution is providing basic Education, we can call this place at Kalvipatti. She shared her memorable events with Former secretaries of our Ashram Sri.R.Gurusamy ayya and Muniyandi Ayya. She Sang a song which she learnt here that is “Love is God; knowledge is God; Happiness is God; Good quality is God and Work is God”.

Dr. M.Rajaram Rtd. I.A.S and President, Bharath Kala Sangam delivered presidential address. He told that our ashram is a holy place because many great leaders like Rajendra Prasath, V.V.Giri, J.C.Kumarappa, Abdul Kalam had come here. Everyone must experience this purity. Every Gandhiniketan students must have uniqueness in their activities. They must shine in their respective departments fields because of their uniqueness. That is the real tribute to Thondar Ko.ve. He appreciated the qualities of our chairman Prof.Dr.Venkataswami ayya. He insisted the students must adopt these qualities in their life.
Dr.V.Ragupathi, Governing body member, Gandhiniketan Ashram thanked all. The meeting came to an end with this National Anthem.
Hr. Sec. School:
The 116th Birth Anniversary of Kamarajar was celebrated as Education Development Day in our school on 15.07.2018 at 3.30 PM in our auditorium. In this meeting all the teachers and students participated. Our Hr.Sec.School HM Mr.V.Veeraraj welcomed the gathering.Welcome address by our HM
Our Vocational teacher Mr.Senthil Arumugam delivered special address. In his talk he told that Kamarajar was the CM of Tamilnadu for 9 years. He lead a very simple life. He introduced Lal Bahathur Sasthri and Indira Gandhi in politics and made Prime Minister. He was the only leader who was selected five times as the president of Indian National Congress.
Special address by our Vocational Teacher Mr.M.Senthil Arumugam
He followed Gandhian principles throughout his life. He sacrificed his early boyhood days to the nation. In 1954 when he was the Chief Minister, he told his ministers to meet problems; Don’t avoid problem. While his tenure as Chief Minister tamilnadu was known for the best administration.
In order to avoid untouchability he appointed scheduled caste leader as the minister for Hindu Religious Charitable Endownment Department. Free Education, Mid day meals, Teacher Education Colleges, Factories and dams were the achievements of Kamarajar.
Simplicity, Truthful and Honesty were his good qualities and followed by his ministry also.He died on October 2nd 1975. But the name of Kamarajar and his achievements remain in the history. We should adapt his noble qualities in our life. That is the true tribute to him.
Vote of Thanks by our Science Teacher Mr.S.Muralikrishnan
Our Science Teacher Mr.S.Muralikrishnan, thanked all. The meeting came to an end with the National Anthem.
Gandhi Nikethan G.Venkatachalapathy primary school,celebrated former chief minister Kamarajar ‘s birthday as Educational development day in its campus on13th July 2018 at 10 am. Mrs.S.Kousalya ,senior teacher welcomed the gathering. Mrs.P.Kanagavalli, Assistant headmistress presided over the function.While addressing the children,she mentioned about the significance of the day,and urged the students to become good citizens.A staff, Mrs.S.Saroja,delivered special address about his supreme qualities and his major role in school education
Various events including speech,cultural activities and songs were organised by the students in tribute to the great leader Kamarajar who sacrificed his all for the people. A day before the day of celebration,children and staff enjoyed the time of preparation. A student, master sudharshan appeared as Kamarajar before the gathering and gave his wonderful speech. A kid, Jasmitha from 3rd standard also spoke about his remarkable service and simplicity. Following the speech, there were dance programs performed by 5thstandard students. This colourful performance received much applause from the audience present. Parents and well-wishers graced the function Mrs.V.Muthumari delivered the vote of thanks at the end of the program. The function was concluded with the rendition of the national anthem.
Yoga Day – 22.06.2018
We celebrated yoga day in our Ashram on 21.06.18.All the teachers participated in the programme. Higher secondary school boys and Girls assembled in their respective areas in the ground.

The programme started with the Prayer Sri.V.Veera Raj Headmaster Gandhi Niketan G.Venkatachalapathy Higher Secondary school. Welcomed the gathering. Sri.MuthuRam, officer, Fire and Rescue Service, T.Kallupatti talked about the importance of yoga. Dr.Bama Natural Medical officer. Primary Health Centre. T.Kalluppatti told about the uses of the yoga. It will increase our concentration and memory power.

Special address by Dr.Bama, Natural Medical Officer, T.Kallupatti Primary Health Centre
Our president Prof.R.Venkatasami Ayya observed all the activities through Skype and asked the students to do yoga daily and try to practice through out our life.
After that students started doing the following Aasanas.
*Patchi Muthasana
*yoga muthrasana
*Thanu rasana
*Aega pathasana
*Thrigona Aasana
*Artha Chakra Aasana and
*Surya NamasKar

Founder G. VENKATACHALAPATHY’S 49th Remembrance Day was observed in our Gandhi Niketan Ashram on 13.06.2018. A special prayer was conducted at 6.00 AM in our Manimandapam. After the prayer our president Prof. Dr. R.Venkatasami Ayya delivered Remembrance Day message. In his talk he told that today is our Founder’s 49th Remembrance Day .Our Founder’s started his life as a teacher. This institution was started only for the development of village industries. His good qualities like faith, love and affection towards all the people made him work with I.A.S and I.F.S officers in Chennai. We must also try to follow our founder and serve our village people. That is the real tribute to him.

Special address by Dr.V.Ragupathy Governing body member
After that Sri.V.Ragupathi Ayya governing body member delivered a talk about our founder .Our founder started the institution for the betterment of the villages. Villages develop the nature and social integration. If we give importance to the progress of villages it will help to develop our country .Our Ashram is a heritage center. So we should adhere the principles of our founder.
“Nama sangeerthanam” was organized by our ashram group at 9:00aAM in “shanthi vanam”. Then we all paid a floral tribute to our founder at his samathi.

Floral offering
The Remembrance Day meeting was started at 10:00AM in our auditorium under the presidentship of Smt.V.Radha Akka, secretary, Ganthi Niketan Ashram.Our Ashram governing body member Smt.P.Thilagavathi Akka welcomed the gathering.Sri.Raja Govindhasamy, Treasurer, Mannar Thirumalai Naicker College, and Madurai delivered special speech.

Welcome address by our Member Smt.P.Thilagavathi
In his address, he told our founder started the institution only to give practice to the freedom fighters in 1940.He was the true follower of Gandhiji. He wanted people also to follow the principles of Gandhiji.We have to fulfill our founder’s dream.We should work whole heartedly with dedication. We should adapt our founder’s noble qualities as simplicity, obedience and village service.

Sri.Raja Govindhasamy, Treasurer, Mannar Thirumalai Naicker College, and Madurai
Sri.V.Veera Raj, Headmaster Gandhi Niketan G.Venkatachalapathy Higher Secondary School thanked all. The Meeting came to an end with the National Anthem.
ALUMNI MEET – 05.05.2018

Our old students(2007-08 Batch) with our teachers
Ashram Foundation Day – 28.04.2018
Foundation Day was celebrated in our Gandhiniketan Ashram on 28.04.2018. The special prayer was conducted at 6.00 AM in Gandhimandabam. In the prayer our Ashram secretary Smt.V.Radha, Dr.V.Ragupathi Governing Body Member, all the teachers of both primary and Higher Secondary schools, Central office Staffs participated. After the prayer our ashram chairman Prof.Dr.R.Venkataswami delivered foundation day message through Skype.
In his talk he told that today is a thinking day. Everyone must think of our duties to our Ashram. We should do our duties with truth, faith and dedication. Then only we can produce good students/citizens with moral values like patriotism, self-respect discipline in the society.
He also told that teachers are like sculptors. Every teacher must mould the students. That is the real service. Then only our institution will develop to the high level. We should work sincerely by hard work for the progress of out Ashram and villages.

Dr.V.Ragupathi Governing Body Member told that this institution was started only for the purpose of spreading the principles of Gandhiji. This is such a holy place because of the visits of so many great leaders. Now our intuition is 78 years old. Everyone should think for the betterment of the institution.

After that we took part in the namasangeerthanam on Santhivanam . we paid a floral tribute to our Founder’s Samathi.
Gandhiji and J.C.Kumarappa’s Remembrance Day – 30.01.2018
We observed Gandhiji and J.C.Kumarappa’s remembrance day on 30.01.2018 today is M.K.Gandhiji’s 70th and J.C.Kumarappa’s 58th Remembrance day. A special prayer was conducted in our Gandhi Mandapam at 6.00 A.M today. In that prayer Smt.V.Radha Akka Secretary, all the teachers of both Higher secondary and Primary schools, staff – central office took part. Sri.N.Ramani Sekar and his group sang communal songs.

Floral offering
Ashram Chairman Prof.Dr.R.Venkataswami Ayya gave special message through skype. He told that Gandhiji was an ordinary boy. Gandhiji followed mother Puthilibai’s advices. It made Gandhiji as Mahatma. Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther king followed Gandhian principles and they became great leaders.
Another most important quality of Gandhiji is punctuality. He was known for his truthfulness, simplicity and boldness etc. Our Chairman told about the following thoughts,
Politics without Principles. Education without Character. Science with out Humanity
Gandhiji always told that he followed the principles that is said in Bhagavath Geetha and Mahabharatha. J.C.Kumarappa also died on that particular date. He was the true disciple of Gandhiji. When he heard the news of Gandhiji’s death he became blind in shock. Then he recovered after a long time. J.C.Kumarappa was invited by our founder G.Venkachalapathy to our Ashram. He registered our Ashram as society.

Chief Guest address by Dr.Chelladurai, Vice Chancellor, MK University
We are in a holy place. We should not forget these leaders and also their principles. That is the real tribute to them. We should go along with their path and develop our institution. After the prayer we went to Kumarappa’s Samathi for floral tribute.
We all gathered in our auditorium at 4.00 P.M Sri V.Ragupathi, Governing body member presided over the meeting and welcomed all. In his presidential address he talked about the noble qualities of Gandhiji and J.C.Kumarappa.
Prof. Dr. Chelladurai, Vice Chancellor, Madurai Kamaraj University, Chief guest delivered the special address. He told that we should lead life for the well being of others. We must follow the great leaders, M.K.Gandhiji and J.C.Kumarappa He appreciated the cleanliness of our surroundings. He stressed the importance of “ Switch Bharath”. Students must gain textual knowledge as well as General knowledge. Teachers should teach their subjects correlating with all information. Then only the students can achieve in the competitive Examinations.
He asked the students to draw the picture in their mind what they want to be. He remembered the thoughts of Vincent Churchill.
“Empires of future will be the empires of mind power”. He blessed all.

Vote of thanks by our HM
Sri.V.Veeraraj, Head master, Gandhi Niketan G.Venkatachalapathy Higher secondary school, delivered vote of thanks. The meeting came to an end with the National Anthem.
Republic Day Celebration – 26.01.2018
We celebrated sixty ninth Republic Day in our Gandhi Niketan Ashram on 26.1.2018 Smt. V.Radha Akka Secretary, Gandhi Niketan Ashram hoisted our National Flag and talked about the patriotic leaders.

National Flag Hoisted by our Ashram Secretary
After that we went on a procession raising the slogans like “Vande Madaram”. The meeting started at 10.00A.M in our Auditorium. Ashram Secretary Smt.V.Radha Akka welcomed the gathering and talked about the importance of the republic.

Sri.V.Ragupathi Ayya Governing body member Gandhi Niketan Ashram presided over the meeting. He told about the democracy. Our Ashram is a holy place because of Gandhiji’s blessing.

Welcome and Presidential Address by Ashram Member Dr.V.Ragupathy
Old student of this school, Dr.Srinivasan, Asst. Professor, Sastha university Tanjore, delivered the special address. He shared his golden memories of his school days. He learnt that attitude of ‘Sarvodaya’ from this institution as a student. He is proud of his doctorate in “Gandhian Thought”.
Mother’s love is very precious for every child. Everyman should have patriotism in his mind. It will give all the good habits. That will make a man a good citizen.

Vote of thanks by our HM
Sri.V.Veeraraj, Head master, Gandhi Niketan G.Venkatachalapathy Higher Secondary School thanked all. The meeting came to an end with the National Anthem.
Students and teachers assembled at the school Auditorium to celebrate the birth anniversary of a legendary freedom fighter Subash Chandra Bose on 23rd January. This auspicious day began with prayer. Mr.V.Veeraraj ,headmaster presided over the function by his enlightening speech. It was then continued with the speech delivered by Mr.M.Muthukumar, a computer teacher, “While delivering his speech, he highlighted the contribution of Nethaji in freedom struggle of India. He also talked about the life history of Subash Chandra Bose better known as Nethaji all over the world.

Special address by our Computer Instructor M.Muthukumar
Vote of Thanks by our Primary school HM
He urged the students to follow his footsteps and also requested them to take an oath to become leaders like him,” he added. The programme ended with vote of thanks by Mrs.Parimala, headmistress, Gandhi Nikethan G. Venkatachalapathy primary school.
MATTU PONGAL – 15.01.2018
We celebrated Mattu Pongal in our Ashram Dairy farm. Before celebrate our dairy farm building wall renovated, white washed and decorated for the festival. All the Cattle were washed well and decorated with flowers, sandal and kumkum. Pongal was prepared in the dairy farm after prayer pongal and sugarcane were distributed to the teachers students and cattle. Our school HM and staff members participated in this festival.

National Youth Day – 09.01.2018
National youth day(12.01.2018) was celebrated in our school auditorium on 09.01.2018 at 3.00 PM. All the teachers and students took part in it. The function started with the prayer Smt.V.Radha, Secretary welcomed the gathering and talked about the energetic thoughts of Vivekananda. Vivekanandar is a great role model. It is true for ever. She emphasized the students to follow the preachings of Vivekanandar as such, Obedience, truth, hardwork, love, self confidence and humanity.

Welcome address by our Secretary Mrs.V.Radha
Our Ashram Administrative Officer honoured the chief guest Swamiji Narayanantha Maharaj, Secretary, Sri Ramakrishna Mission, Madurai.The Chief guest was the old student of our school. He stressed the importance of youth day and Vivekanandar’s faith in youngsters. We should practice to live based on God. Then only we will enjoy the real beauty of life.
He told that religion makes human being virtual. He explained Vivekanandar’s golden words “Awake, Arise’, Until you reach the goal” Meditation helps the students increase their concentration power.
Obedience covers Truth, Honesty, Respect, Selfless Service and Politeness. He explained the Tamil Word “Thahuthi-Qualification”. Tha – Stands for Thannambikkai( Self Confidence), Ku – stands for Kurikol(aim), Thi– stands for – Thittamidal (Planning).

Vote of Thanks by our HM
He asked everyone to achieve their goal by working hard with their physical strength, mental strength and spiritual strength. Sri V.Veeraraj Headmaster gave Vote of thanks. The meeting came to an end with the National Anthem. Vivekanandar Valagam which is named after Vivekanandar in our Ashram by our Chairman Prof.Dr.R.Venkataswami ayya is a great monument to awake and arise our students.
dr.J.C.Kumarappa day – 04.01.2018
Dr.j.C.Kumarappa’s 126th Birth Anniversary was celebrated in our Ashram on 04.01.2018 there was a special prayer at 6.00 AM. In Gandhimandabam. Sri.V.Ragupathi Governing Body Member Gandhiniketan Ashram, all the teachers, hostel students and staff-central office took part in that prayer.

Prof.R.Venkataswami ayya president Gandhiniketan Ashram gave special message through skype. In his talk he told about Kumarappa’s life style. In our Gandhimandapam Kumarappa placed Gandhiji’s statue planning for roads and other places in our Ashram was designed by J.C.Kumarappa and our Founder G.Venkatachalapathy. In order to improve our country villages should be developed. Gandhiji’s true disciple was Kumarappa. We must read Kumarappa’s book.

After that Bhajan was conducted in Kumarappa Kudil. Then all paid floral tribute to Dr.J.C.Kumarappa in his Samathi.

The meeting was conducted in our Auditorium at 9.30 AM. In the meeting all the students, teachers of Hr.Secondary and Primary school, School office staff and Central office staff participated. Dr.V.Ragupathy ayya Governing body member honoured the chief guest Sri.M.P.Gurusamy, secretary, Gandhi Museum.
Our Secretary Smt.V.Radha welcomed the gathering and delivered the presidential address in her talk she talked about the relationship between Kumarappa and our Ashram. She also told about Kumarappa’s Economics. She discussed the following principles of J.C.Kumarappa.Give importance to Villages and Agriculture, Protect natural resources, Removal of poverty.

Dr.V.Ragupathy, Governing body member talked about the arrival of Dr.J.C.Kumarappa to our Ashram. He registered our institution. He learnt to lead a simple life from Gandhiji and Jesus. We should spread the principles of Kumarappa through our institution.
Sri.M.P.Gurusamy Secretary Gandhi museum in his presidential address mentioned about the qualities of J.C.Kumarappa that should be followed by students. Punctuality, Self confidence, Hard work, Dignity of Labor, Worship of God, Love they neighbor.
He described all the above qualities through J.C.Kumarappa’s life history. J.C.Kumarappa’s father was Duraisamy and his mother was Esther. He inherited and practiced these noble qualities from his parents.
Vote of Thanks by our HM
Our HM Sri.V.Veeraraj thanked all. The meeting came to an end with the National Anthem.
Thiruvathirai was celebrated at Vinayagar temple in our Ashram. It is our traditional occasion to receive the blessings of “Lord Shiva” after our Margali Bajan our School Headmaster Sri.V.Veeraraj, our Ashram Administrative officer Sri.M.Nagarajan our staff members and Hostel students assembled at 7.30am.
The idols of Lord Natarajar and Sivakami ammal were ready for special pooja. Abisegams were performed. Our Ashram president Prof.R.Venkataswami ayya watched Thiruvathirai function through skype. The different types of dheebarathana were performed by Poojari along with our school teacher Sri.N.Ramanisekar. Finally prasadam was distributed to all.