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Ashram Opening Day -12.10.2020

Gandhi Jayanthi – 02.10.2020
Mahathma Gandhiji’s 151th Birthday was celebrated in our ashram. Special prayer was conducted in our Gandhimandapam at 6.00 AM. Our Ashram Chairman Prof.Dr.Venkataswami ayya delivered special message. After the prayer we went to Gandhiji’s statue to pay floral tribute.

Special Prayer at Gandhimandabam

Floral offering
Independence Day -15-08.2020
74th independence day was celebrated in our ashram. Our Ashram Secretary Dr.V.Geetha, Both school HMS and Teachers, office staffs, Ashram staffs are attend.

National flag hoisted by our secretary
111th Birthday celebration of Our Founder Amarar G.Venkatachalapathy and 81st Annual Day Celebration of Gandhi Niketan Ashram 30.07.2020
A Special prayer was conducted at Gandhimandapam at 6.00A.M. In the prayer meeting our chairman Padma Shri Prof.R.Venkataswami Ayya talked about our founder’s simplicity and life style. Our founder started this institution for the development of village students. We should train the students in all round development.
Our Ashram is a sacred Place. Before independence,it was a training place for the Patriotic leaders. He asked the students to give good education to the village students. It will help them to prepare them selves in this competitive world.
One president also told that Today is a thinking day. Everyone must think of our duties to our Ashram. We should do our duties in the faith and dedication. Then only we can produce good students good citizens with moral values like discipline and self-respect in the Society.Our founder followed 18 constructive plans of Gandhiji. Our founder loved Gandhiji very much. What Gandhiji was told `veda’ for our founder. His only motto was to spread Gandhian principles. Here we are all gifted to be a part of the institution. We must continue our work for Success of the constructive plans of our founders.
Floral offering
After that we paid a floral tribute to founder’s Samathi. Then we all gathered before founder’s statue for floral tribute.
Founder Remembrance day – 13.06.2020
Founder Sri.G.Venkatachalapathy Ayya’s 51th Remembrance Day was observed in our Gandhiniketan Ashram on 13.06.2020. A special prayer was conducted at 6.00Am in our Manimandapam. Ashram Secretary, Quarters peoples are attend the function. Students, Both school teachers and other staffs are not attend due to COVID19 Lockdown.
Morning prayer at Manimandabam
Ashram Foundation Day-28.04.2020
We celebrated Ashram foundation day on 28.04.2020 in every year. This year we celebrate totally different because of COVID19 lock down. Local teachers and staff are attend the function. The special prayer was conducted at 6.A.M. in Gandhimandapam. After that we paid a floral tribute at Founder’s Samathi, Gandhiji’s statue and Founder’s Statue.

Sarvodaya Day – 30.01.2020
(Mahathma Gandhiji and Dr.J.C.Kumarappa Remembrance Day)
We observed Gandhiji and Dr.J.C.Kumarappa’s Remembrance Day on 30.01.2020. today is M.K.Gandhiji’s 72nd and Dr.J.C.Kumarappa’s 60th Remembrance Day. A special prayer was conducted in our Gandhimandapam at 6.00 AM.

Dr.V.Ragupathi, Governing body member delivered special message. Gandhiji’s death stopped many soul discrimination. Gandhiji started Quit India movement but he did no hate the British, he hated the rule of British.
Kumarappa was a True Christian. But his cremation was done in the Hindu process there was no difference of religion Love is God. Everybody should love each other. After the prayer we went to Kumarappa’s Samathi and Gandhiji’s statue to pay floral tribute.
We all gather in our Auditorium at 3.00 PM. The meeting started with the prayer. Sri.M.Nagarajan HM Welcomed all. Smt.Dr.Geetha, Secretary in her, presidential address talked about the noble qualities of gandhiji.

Gandhiji learnt the quality of speaking truth from Harichandran drama parental love from Siravanan pithur Bakthi. Boldness from his servent maid Rambai. Gandhiji loved thulasi Dasar’s Ramayana. He thought British as Ravana and people of India as Rama. He used Ahimsa and sathyagraha as his weapons to save the people of our mother country. True devotion makes us free from evil thoughts and evil deeds.
Dr.Ram ponnu Former Principal Kamaraj Govt. College, Surandai, Thirunelveli district delivered special address. He shared ideas from “My Experiments with Truth”.
Don’t tell lie
Teacher is the first book for students
Parental love and care
Gandhiji was pushed out by white people from the train in Marisberg railway station. That was a turning point in his life. He struggled not only for freedom but also for the rights of the Indians.
Dr.J.C.Kumarappa considered Gandhiji as sun. We must follow him. He was asked by Gandhiji to make a research on why India become so poor? Because of colonization. He presented this article in “youngIndia”. Mathan Mohan Malavia, the Founder of Hindu University, Varanasi (Benarus) was impressed by this and he told Kumarappa that he was equal to Gandhiji Both leaders worked hard for the development of village services.
Vote of thanks by our Primary HM
We should follow the principles of these great leaders. Both of them coincided in death also, they died on the same 30th January. Smt.V.Muthumari Headmistress thanked all. The meeting came to an end with the National Anthem.
Republic Day – 26.01.2020
We celebrated 71st Republic day in our Ashram on 26.01.2020 Smt.Dr.V.Geetha, Secretary, Gandhiniketan Ashram unfurled our National Flag at 8.30 A.M. after that we all went on a procession raising the slogans like “Vandemadaram”.
The Republic Day celebration meeting started at 10.00 A.M. in our Auditorium. Sri.M.Nagarajan HM welcomed all. Smt. Dr.V.Geetha, Secretary delivered the presidential address. In his talk she told about the democracy we have the government of the people, by the people and for the people of our country.
Many great leaders feet proud of the spirituality of our nation. Our nation is known for its equality, liberty and Fraternity. She also explained the difference between republic and Independence. Independence day is meant for the sacrifice of many freedom fighters and Republic day is celebrated for planning and measuring achievements the previous plans.
On this day students must think of their future plan and work hard to attain our goal.

Our Secretary released the E-Magazine and our Administrative officer Sri.S.Murugan received it. Our Primary School HM Smt.V.Muthumari thanked all. The meeting came to an end with the National Anthem.
Vivekanandar’s 158th Birth Anniversary – National youth Day-13.01.2020
National Youth Day was celebrated in our school Auditorium on 13.01.2020 at 3.30 Pm. The meeting started with the prayer. Smt. Dr.V.Geetha, Secretary, Gandhiniketan Ashram welcomed the gathering. Our Ashram Governing body member smt.P.Thilagavathy delivered her presidential address. In her address she remembered Vivekenandar’s childhood. He was very much interested in mediation from his childhood days.
Arjuna for Krishna;
Hanuman for Rama;
Vivekenanda for Ramakrishna.
Boldness and spiritual mind him to a great leader. She asked the students to follow his words. “Arise, awake and do not stop until the goal is reached”.
Swamiji Duth Prabhanantha, sri Ramakrishna Mission, Madurai delivered the special speech. In his talk he told that vivekanandar was a “brave Sanyasi”. Vivekananda’s talk at Chicago on 11th September 1893 revealed the spirituality of our Hinduism in India.
Vivekanandar did prayer for the nation Bharath Matha through the principles of Ramakrishnar. Our life will be fruitful if we believe in ourselves. He asked the students and teachers to read the books of vivekanada.
Sri.M.Nagarajan HM thanked all. The meeting came to an end with the National Anthem.
Dr.J.C.Kumarappa Day- 04.01.2020

Morning special prayer