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Christmas – 20.12.2021
Christmas Day was celebrated in our Ashram on 20.12.2021. The meeting started with the prayer. Our Secretary Smt.Dr.V.Geetha welcomed all. Prof.Dr.Semban David delivered special address. In his address he told that Jesus lived till the age of 33 “Love thy neighbor, as themselves” is the message he delivered to all.

Sri.Rooban, who accompanied the chief guest performed magic through Magic he asked the students to have good friends, practice habits. Poster M.Soloman C.S.I.church Pasumalai also talked students should not have the bad qualities like stealing telling lies, greediness and jealous. We must possess good qualities like love, obedience, truthful and sharing. Jesus was the “Avathar” to fulfill the emptiness in the world.

Selvan Gopikannan Xi-E performed as Santa Claus. The meeting came to an end with the National Anthem.
Thiruvathirai was clebrated at Vinayagar temple in our Ashram. It is our traditional occasion to receive the blessings from lord Siva. After our Margali Bajan our Both School HMs, Our Staff members and Hostel students assembled at 7.00 am.
The Lord Natarajar and Sivakami Ammal were kept ready for Special Pooja. Abisegam were performed. All watched the wonderful sight our Ashram President Prof.Dr.Venkatawami and Dr.Sivarani Amma also watched this Thiruvathirai through online. This special Arathana followed it with different types of deepas. This was conducted by a prist along with our school teacher Mr.N.Ramanisekar. Finally Kazhi and Pongal Prasatham were distributed to the devotees.
Miladi Nabi
Religious Reconciliation Day -20.10.2021
Miladi Nabi- Birth anniversary of Mohammad Nabi was celebrated in our Ashram on 20.10.2021. the meeting started with the prayer. Our secretary Dr.V.Geetha welcomed all and delivered the presidential address. She told about the importance of love towards our fellow being. All religious say “Love All”.
Haji M.Sarbudeen B.Sc., PA to District Collector (Rtd.) delivered the special address. In his address he thanked our Ashram president for celebrating Miladi Nabi as religious reconciliation day.
Special Address by Haji M.Sarbudeen- PA to District Collector (Rtd.)
Mohammed Nabi’s Parents were Abdulla and Ameena. Mohammed means – a famous person. He married Hahija at the age of 25. By the time in Mecca there were many crimes like killing of girl babies, theft, using too much of alcohol. Mohammad Nabi was sent as messenger of God for rectifying all these problems.
Mohammad struggled a lot for more than ten years to reform the people in Mecca. Some people planned to kill him. So, Mohammad Nabi migrated to Methina. He became great leader in and around Methina.
His Preachings :
No discrimination between poor and rich.
Everybody should stand on their own legs.
Educated person should educate others.
Respect the Parents
Love thy neighbor and Relations.
Don’t get invest for Money.
Give production to Woman.
Ashram Opening Day 12.10.2021
Our Gandhi Niketan Ashram was established on 12th October 1940, by our founder G.Venkatachalapathy Ayya. It was opened by Sarthar Vetha Rathinam Pillai. We remembered that day.
The special prayer was conducted at Manimandapam at 6.00 A.M. Our Ashram President Prof.Dr.R.Venkataswami Ayya talked through online. In his talk he remembered the day. Our Ashram is a sacred place. Before independence it was a training place for the patriotic leaders. After independence our founder gave importance for education to village students. It will help them to prepare themselves in this competitive world.

When Ko.Ve was in the prison at Trichy he met a life sentenced prisoner “DUTH”. Ko.ve. asked him, “Being an accused in the prison you are bold and majestic, How is it possible?”, DUTH replied that he got that boldness from his Guru(school teacher). Suddenly Ko.Ve understood that the prisoner also remembers and recognizes his teacher. He also wanted to became a teacher after three years. His motive was service to the villagers.
The principal CSI Training institute Lalbeer an English man asked him why he wanted to become a Teacher? He replied that “I want to send out the English people like you from India”. Our president also told that Today is a memorable day. We should do our duties with faith and dedication. Then only we can produce good Students good citizens with moral values like discipline and self-respect in the society. After the prayer we paid a floral tribute to founder’s samathi. Then we all gathered before the statues of our founder and Gandhiji and paid a floral tribute.
The public meeting started at 3.00 pm in our auditorium with the prayer. Our Ashram Secretary Dr.V.Geetha welcomed all. Smt.Dr.B.Chitra Governing body member delivered the presidential address. In her address she wished all the students to get success in their life. Smt.Kavitha Jawahar speaker (Pattimandram) delivered special address. This is the special day that we have to think our founder’s dedication and hardwork. He had good friends like Narayanasamy Mariappa Nadar etc. He learnt many moral values from their friends. We should have such good friends. Students must have great faith towards their teachers.
Teachers Day – 05.09.2021
Dr.Radhakrishnan, Former president of India was born on 5th September. We celebrate his birthday as Teachers day every year.Teacher’s Day was celebrated in our school on 05.09.2021. the meeting started with the prayer at 9.00 AM in our Auditorium.
Our Ashram President Prof.Dr.R.Venkataswami Ayya felicitated the teachers.
Smt.S.Saroja, Teacher Delivered special address. She told that teacher- ஆசிரியர்=ஆசு+இரியர் =குற்றம் களைபவா். Teacher is the one who rectifies the mistakes and does the duties for the society. Dr.Radhakrishnan had the qualities of Dedication, Sincereity, Punctuality, Self-confidence, Determination and Spirituality. So all the students loved him. He was well konown for Indian philosophy to all over the world.
He got “Doctorate” from 62 Universities. He was appointed as Ambassador for Russia and UNESCO. He attracted the students by his teaching. He was appointed as Vice Chancellor for Universities of Andra Pradesh and Banaras. Many universities prescribed his creations as text books.
Our Founder G.venkatachalapathy was also a teacher in the village. Because of his dedication, patriotism and village service he got many higher positions in the state government. She also read out one lyric about teachers in the name of “Saraswathi”. We should take a Oath to work like booth the leaders said above in this memorable day.
Smt.Geetha Secretary, Gandhiniketan Ashram delivered presidential address. Students come to us as clay. We have to mould them with our motivation, creativity, hard work, devotion, discipline and spirituality. She quoted Matha, Pitha, Guru, Theivam. Guru is portrayed before God.
Today is the birthday of Dr.Radhakrishnan and V.O.Chidambaranar. the leaders are known for their spirituality and discipline. We have to create food students to build good nation. The meeting came to an end with the National Anthem.
Independence Day-15.08.2021
75th Independence day was celebrated in our Gandhiniketan Ashram on 15.08.2021. Our Ashram secretary Smt. Dr.V.Geetha hoisted our National Flag. Theme was a public meeting at 9.15A.m in our Auditorium followed by the prayer.

National flag hoisted by our Secretary Dr.V.Geetha
Our Governing body member Dr.V.Ragupathi welcomed all. In his welcome address, he told that in 1940. Our Ashram was the training centre for the freedom fighters. At that time our founder was 37 years old. He went to prison for participating in quit India movement in 1942. Leaders like our founder sacrificed a lot for the freedom of our nation.

Our secretary Smt.Dr.V.Geetha delivered the presidential address. In her address she told that the teachers should possess the qualities of unity, tolerance and team spirit. Teachers must be the role model for the students. Teachers can mould the students as good citizens. So our founder chose his career as teacher. Our Ashram founder G.Venkatachalapathy ayya always told “Best school does not mean good infrastructure. It must possess good students and good teachers”.
In his special address Prof.Dr.Palanidurai Governing body member, Gandhiniketan Ashram mentioned the qualities like patriotism social obedience, dedication, good education, thinking for integration and humanity. With all these qualities the teachers can produce good citizens. Our Headmaster Sri.M.Nagarajan thanked all. The meeting came to an end with the National Anthem.
Annual Day – 30.07.2021
Our Founder G.Venkatachalapathy Ayya’s 112th Birth Anniversary and 82nd Anniversary of Gandhiniketan Ashram was celebrated in our Ashram on 30.07.2021. A special prayer was conducted in Gandhi Mandapam at 6.00 A.M.

Morning Prayer at Gandhimandabam
After the prayer our Ashram President Prof.Dr.R.Venkataswami ayya delivered special message through online. In his talk he told that N.M.R.Subbaraman, the Former, Administrative Officer of our Ashram announced that 30th July must be celebrated as Founder’s birthday and Ashram’s Anniversary.
Special Message by our President through online
Our Founder was a versatile Personality. When he was studying in C.S.I. Teacher Training Institute, Pasumalai his teacher Lalbeer who was an English man asked our founder “Why do you want to become a teacher”? our Founder replied that he wanted to quit the British from India. Lalbeer appreciated his boldness and determination.
Ashram flag hoisted by Prof.So.So.Meenakshi Sundaram
At 8.45 A.M. we all gathered at Rajendra Prasad Square Prof. So. So. Meenakshi Sundaram hoisted our Ashram flag. Our Ashram musical group conducted bhajan in Shanthivanam at 9.00 Am after that we all paid floral tribute to founder’s Samathi and Founder’s Statue.

Bajan at Santhivan
The public meeting started in our Auditorium at 10.15 A.M. with prayer Our Ashram Treasurer Sri.N.Shanmugasundaram, welcomed all. Our Ashram Secretary Smt.Dr.V.Geetha presented the Annual Report. Our Ashram President Prof.Dr.R.Venkataswami Ayya delivered the presidential address he mentioned the servicesof our founder G.Venkatachalapathy Ayya to the nation Mahathma Gandhiji wrote in his magazine “Harijan” about the village development Services of our Founder. Founder’s five year plan was appreciated by all the leaders and that led him to appoint as Joint Secretary to government. Our president asked the teachers to work more, following our founder.

The chief guest Prof.So.So.Meenashisuundaram delivered Founder’s Oration speech. In his talk he told some important incidents about Ko.Ve. when Ko.ve.was at Alipoor Prison with Vaithianatha Iyer and Sa.Ganesan, Vaithiyanatha Iyer taught Bhagavat Gita, ganesan taught Kamban Literature and Founder taught Thirukkural. They made prison as treasury.
Our chief guest compared our Founder to Ramana Mahaarishi. At the last stage of Ramana Maharishi’s mother he sang Thiruvasagam similarly our founder sang “Rama Namam” at his mother’s last stage.
When Gandhiji had to stay at Soolakkarai medu, our Founder engaged Gandhiji (in 1930-31) with this attractive talk. That was appreciated by Kumarasamy Raja, Kamarajar and T.S.Rajan. Bharathiyar wrote a small book called “Gnana Ratham. Our Founder started mobile Library in that great name “Gnana Ratham”. The chief guest felicitated our institution with the blessings of our Founder.

Voice of Gandhiniketan”-E-Magazine was released by our Governing body member Dr.V.Ragupathy. Prizes were distributed to all the staff members of Gandhiniketan Ashram by our Ashram Governing body member Smt.P.Thilagavathi. Our Hr. Sec. School HM Sri.M.Nagarajan delivered vote of thanks. The meeting came to an end with the National Anthem.
Vinayagar Kovil Kumbabishekam
Yogaday- 14.07.2021

Take Yoga practice by Our Primary and Higher secondary school Teachers
Farewell to Retired Teachers-19.02.2021
Sri.Dr.N.Ramanisekar and Selvi K.M.Shanthi worked as teachers in our prestigious school for more than 30 years. They retired in the academic year 2020-21. The Farewell meeting for the above two teachers started with a Prayer in Auditorium on19.02.2021at 3.30 PM. Sri.M.Nagarajan HM welcomed all. Padmashri Dr.R.Venkataswami Ayya President Gandhiniketan Ashram delivered special speech through skype. In his talk he appreciated both the teachers for tremendous and dedicated service. Dr.N.Ramanisekar B.T.Asst. is a versatile personality, he deserved both State and National Award for best teacher. Now he is appointed as honorary member to our Ashram.

Selvi.K.M.Shanthi, Vocational Teacher (Agri) is also dedicated and kind teacher. She is the only teacher who sent many students to professional colleges. Many Veterinarians are helping our Dairy farm because of her.
Retired Teacher Selvi K.M.Santhi
Our President wished both the teachers for happy and healthy retired life.

Retired Teacher Dr.N.Ramanisekar
Our Ashram secretary Dr.V.Geetha honoured the retired teachers and presented the momentum and delivered the Presidential address. She congratulated both the teachers in her lyric.

Smt.S.Abirami P.G. English, Sri.S.Poomari B.T.Asst., Smt.J.Krishnadeepa B.T.Asst., and Sri.T.Rajkumar AHM also felicitated the retired teachers. Sri.P.Subburaj AHM thanked all. The meeting came to an end with the National Anthem.
Sarvodaya Day – Gandhiji and Dr.J.C.Kumarappa’s Remembrance Day (30.01.2021)
We observed Gandhiji and Dr.J.C.Kumarappa’s Remembrance Day on 30.01.2021. Today is Gandhiji’s 73rd and Dr.J.C.Kumarappa’s 61st Remembrance day. A Special prayer was conducted in our Gandhimandapam at 6.00 A.M. our Ashram President Prof.Dr.R.Venkataswami Ayya delivered Special Message through conference.

Gandhiji and his disciple J.C.Kumarappa died on the same day. Both the leaders taught us how a man should lead a life. They expressed their individuality in their life style. Mother’s words are ‘Manthras’ to both of them.
Special Message by our Ashram President
Ashram President ayya also shared the livelihood unselfish experience of Gandhiji and J.C.Kumarappa. Tagore called Gandhiji as ‘Mahathma’ because of his truthfulness. Though Netaji chose different way in the freedom struggle, he called Gandhiji as “Father of Nation”.
J.C.Kumarappa spent five years in our Ashram During that time many great patriotic leaders arrived here. It became a sacred place because of that. Teachers and students are very proud to work and serve here so we have to do our duties regularly and sincerely.

Then we conducted a prayer in Kumarappa’s Kudil and paid a Floral tributes in Kumarappa’s Samathi and Founder’s Samathi. Then we all gathered before Founder’s statue. After the prayer we paid a Floral Tribute in Founder’s Statue and Gandhiji’s Statue.
Republic Day – 26.01.2021
We celebrated 72nd Republic Day in our Gandhiniketan Ashram on 26.01.2021 Smt.Dr.V.Geetha , Secretary Gandhiniketan Ashram hoisted our National Flag and talked about the patriotic leaders.

National Flag hoisted by our Secretary
The meeting started at 9.30 Am in our Auditorium with the prayer Ashram Secretary Smt.Dr.V.Geetha Welcomed the gathering and talked about the importance of the Republic.

Sri.Dr.Palanidurai Rtd.Prof. Political Science Department, Gandhigram Rural University delivered the presidential address through Zoom. In his address he told that our institution is a historical place. Teachers and students are very gifted to work here. We must salute the patriotic leaders of the nation as well as the great leaders, who built this institution. Teachers and students should be good citizens. They must know their responsibility in the school and also in society.
We have to maintain health in our body, soul and the society. We have to share the ideas to our friends also. Ashram means a place of creating great leaders. Education must preach the individual health along with common health. Every student must take an oath to practice Gandhian principles and maintain sanitation everywhere. We must not get money for voting in election. Then only we can elect good person.
Sri.M.Nagarajan HM thanked all. The meeting came to an end with the national Anthem.
Mattu Pongal – 15-01.2021

Youth day-12.01.2021

Special address by our Science Teacher Mr.S.Muralikrishnan
Dr.J.C.Kumarappa Birthday – 04.01.2021

Morning Special prayer and Floral offering at Gandhimandabam