Swami kamalathmananda

Along with the Secretaries on the Founder’s Remembrance Day

A section of the Students

A section of the Audience
Gandhiniketan Ashram observed the 37th Remembrance Day of it’s founded on 13th June 2006. The Day long programme started with a special prayer at Gandhi Mandapam at 6.00 am. At founders Samadhi Ashram community gathered at 9.00 am to offer its tributes. After puspanjali prayer and bajan were organised. Dr. R. Sivarani Senior member of the governing body explained the vision and mission of the founder a member of the Ashram community explained the role of founder in freedom struggle, constructive work and development of the Ashram.
From 9.00 am to 3.00 pm Spinner’s was conducted at Gandhi Mandapam. At 3.30 pm the Remembrance Day meeting was organised at the Auditorium. The Ashram community and friends of the Ashram participated Swami Kamalathmananda, the Head of the Ramakrishna mutt, Madurai branch delivered a lecture.
Swamiji explained the role of education in nation building. Education must concentrate on building an integrated personality. He explained various events in the life of Swami Vivekananda and asked students to learn lessons from them. Swamiji lightened the significance of concentration. Students should develop the capacity to concentrate. They should select a goal and work tirelessly to achieve it. The secretary of the Ashram explained the significance of the day in his Welcome address.
He also read the messages given by Prof. R. Venkataswami the President of the Ashram. Prof R Venkataswami requested the Ashram community to work for fulfilling the vision of the founder through his message.
Sri Rajendran Joint Secretary proposed the vote of thanks.
Golden Jubilee – ALUMNI Day Celebration of Dr. J.C. Kumarappa Institute
Of Rural Technology and Development. T. Kallupatti

Mr. C. Chandran IAS CEO of Khadhi and Village Industries Comission Garlanding the statue of THE FOUNDER

Exhibition of Ashram Products

Demonstration of Bee Hive

CEO Visiting Founder’s Samadhi

Dr. Raghupathy
Welcoming the gathering

Mr. R.. Rajendran Principal detailing the achievements of the institute.
Dr. J. C. Kumarappa Institute of Rural Technology and Development of Gandhi Niketan Ashram, T. Kallupatti, Madurai district, TamilNadu celebrated Golden Jubilee – ALUMNI Day on 29 th April 2006. The function comprised ALUMNI meeting and a Seminar on the Development of Khadi and village industries through Human Resource Development.
Prof. R. Venkataswami President of Gandhi Niketan presided over the Inaugural function. Sri R. Rajendran Principal of the Institute welcomed the ALUNNI.
Dr. Shanmugam Deputy Director IGNOU Madurai delivered a special address and Chaired the session on Impact of training Personal and Social Life .
Sri Selvaraj Asst. Director Divisional Office CKVI Madurai in his address highlighted the KVIC Schemes and Coordinated the session on Impact of training Economic Development through Employment of Self Employment.
The third session on Impact of training – Institutional Development was jointly chaired by Sri. Raju secretary Madurai west Sarvodaya Sangh Madurai, Sri. Velusamy secretary Virudhunagar Sarvodaya sangh and Sri. Selvaraj secretary Sathyamangalam sarvoday sang participated. ALMUNI actively participated in the discussin and shared their experience and opinion.

Mr. C. Chandran IAS addressing the Alumni

A Section of an audience

Mr Kamban and another old student who are very successful enterpreners in vemicompost and leather industry respectively are addressing the gathering.
The Golden Jubilee – ALUMNI Day special function was held in the afternoon Sri. C. Chandran I.A.S C.E.O & Commissioner for CKVI was the chief guest.He visited the various units of the Ashram and the training centre. A Special exhibition was arranged in the training centre. The C.E.O appreciated the performance of the training centre.
The function started at 4.00pm at the Auditorium of Gandhi Niketan Ashram. About 500 ALUMNI, office bearers of Sarvodaya Sanghs and Khadi Institutions attended the function. Prof. R. Venkataswami in his presidential address briefed the importance of the celebration and blessed the ALUMNI. Dr. V. Raghupathy welcomed the Chief guest and ALUMNI.
Sri. C. Chandran I.A.S in his keynote address expressed his pleasure in participating in the Golden Jubilee celebration. He explained the role of parents, school and Technology transferring Institutes in determining the social development. He also expressed his desire that the Training centre should come up to the level of University for imparting skill in traditional as well as Modern Technology and undertaking Research activities in the years to come. He advised the perspective entrepreneurs to avail KVIC Schemes especially REGP. The C.E.O assured all possible help from KVIC for the development of Training Centre.
Sri R. Rajendran, principal of the Institute proposed vote of thanks. The function ended with National Anthem.

Gandhiniketan Ashram Organised a Farmers meeting on 2nd February 2006. The meeting was held at the shanthivan of GNA to enlight them in Bio farming practices. About 200 farmers attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Prof. Dr. R.Venkataswami, President of Gandhiniketan Ashram.
Prof. R. Venkataswami, Sri. R. Rajan, Dr. Sivarani distributed certificates to all the 196 farmers who completed training at Gandhiniketan Ashram and wished them success in their endeavour. Sri. Krishnadoss briefed the Margin Money Scheme under REGP and biogas scheme of KVIC. Dr. Ragupathy appreciated the farmers and Mr. Nakkiran for their sincere and bold attempt and hoped the project would be a model for others.
Shri. R. Rajan Regional Director KVIC advised the farmers to give importance to quality and to avail the benefits of REGP Scheme. He also assured to set up an Analactical Laboratory at Gandhiniketan Ashram to test the quality of Vermi Compost.
Sri. Kamban explained how he has developed his Vermi Compost Unit to the present level of 40 tones per month. He also plans to export his product and informed the farmers that he could procure all their Vermi Compost if it is up to the Standard. Sri. R. Rajendran, Principal of Dr. J. C. Kumarappa institute of Rural Technology and Development welcomed the guests and farmers and Sri. M. Manivannan, Asst. Lecturer of the Vidyalaya proposed vote of thanks.
The farmers and Sri. Nakkiran expressed their gratitude to the Ashram.
Inaugurating the two day Personality Development Programme for the teachers of the Ashram, Prof. R. Venkataswami, the President of the Ashram, emphasized the need and importance of attending such programs for self development. Dr. V.Raghupathy secretary introduced the speakers Mr. Nahar & Mr. R. Nagarajan and how it is going to benefit the teachers at the Ashram.

The session started with Mr. Nagarajan’s powerpoint assisted talk on the importance of the role played by a teacher in the society and its relevance to the teacher at the Gandhi Niketan Ashram. He explained how our local people turned out to be global leaders and role models. This was followed by Mr. Nahar’s spell bound speech on how to remain motivated, enthusiastic and happy while performing the daily routines. It was a real good inspirational talk for all those who attended the program.
In the post lunch session, Mr. R. Nagarajan demonstrated through two specific games the importance and elements of communications. By introducing engineered constraints in communication, participants were asked to communicate and it was proved to be disastrous. The simulated constraints were related to their real life and class room situations and how it shouldn’t have been done was demonstrated. The importance of feedback, appropriate channels of communication was explained through demonstration. This was followed by Mr. Nahar’s that was more of an interactive session than a talk. Mr. Nahar’s way of conducting the session enabled the teacher participants to come forward to share their experience and relate their success to their teacher role models. It was not only the role played by the invited speakers and the participating teachers but also the ones played by Prof. R.Venkataswami, the President, Dr. V. Raghupathy, the secretaty and Dr. Sivarani Venkataswami, the trustee, who gave very useful tips and piece of advice drawn from their own experience.
Second day, Mr. Nahar went on to score through his speech and this time it was all about A to Z in life in relation to a teacher. Mr. Nahar’s capacity in dramatising a situation and driving his point into the minds of the participants remained to impress and caused a good positive impact on them. The ideas were propagated through nicely narrated stories, real life experiences with a flavour of appropriate body language, humour and action by Mr. Nahar. Prof. R.Venkataswami shared his experience & narrated a few incidences including how teachers could inspire the students.
This was followed by Mr. R. Nagarajan’s yet another powerpoint assisted speech but it was about “The Top Eleven Great Teacher Traits”. The visual presentation through the slides seemed to make a deep impact in the minds of the participants that was seen evident from their attentive listening and taking down the tips from the screen. The entire two day program was well received and appreciated by all who participated and the highlight of the program was the teachers were at ease during the entire program and openly expressed how they perceived about the program initially and how it proved to be very interesting and useful as they kept attending. The program came to a close after Prof. R.Venkataswami’s remarks and appreciation and Dr.V.Raghupathy ‘s vote of thanks.
This was followed by a three hour session that was aimed at addressing the Hostel students. Mr. Nahar gave a motivating talk giving emphasis to the values, day-to-day routines and desired good behaviour in the class, campus and society. Mr. Nahar, in his attempt to prove that all of us have good memory, taught a memory mapping technique to remember things and the students demonstrated perfectly that they could recall from their memory about which they were taught a while ago. He also interacted with students and answered queries posed by them about memory problems. Mr. Nagarajan revealed the ROTE’s memory technique to the students to effectively remember what they study every day and to retain the same in memory. Dr. Sivarani Venkataswami and Prof. R. Venkataswami gave important and useful tips and advices to the students. The session was ended with the formal vote of thanks and signing of the National Anthem.
January 30th was observed as Martyr’s Day. There was a special prayer at 6.00 A.M. at Gandhi Mandap. Prof.R.Venkataswami, President of Gandhi Niketan Ashram spoke on the values and ideals for which Gandhiji stood for in his life. He exorted the students to adapt those values in their life. He stressed the need for the student community to prepare themselves at their school days to be good future citizens of this country. Trainees and Staff were spinning charkha from Dawn to Dusk.
Nations 56th Republic Day was celebrated on 26th January in a grand manner. Dr.V.Ragupathy, Secretary of the Ashram hoisted the National Flag and delivered a speech on Rights and duties of the citizen. School Children, Trainees, Teachers & Workers went on procession along the main streets of T,Kallupatti raising slogans – ‘Vanthe Matharam’, Mahatma Gandhi-ki-Jai, Long live India’s freedom.

A special meeting was held at 10.00A.M. at Auditorium. Prof.R.Venkataswami, President of Gandhi Niketan Ashram presided over the meeting. Dr.V.Ragupathi gave welcome address. Prof. Palanidurai professor of political science, Gandhigram Rural University was the Chief Guest and he gave a wonderful lecture on the subject of “properly understanding the men and matters”. He asked the students to learn to understand the issues on a subject, any situation or event and relationship before coming to any conclusions. School children from pre-primary to Higher Secondary and trainees spoke on various national Leaders. At the end, the students staged a cultural programme. The inherent talents in them were well brought out. It started with the story of Lord Muruga. The girl students gave a scintillating dance performance. The boys staged the scene of Jalianwalabagh killings during the national movement.

General/Governing Body Meeting of Gandhiniketan Ashram was held at the Residence of Prof. R.Venkataswami at No.2/99, Dr.Alagappa Road, Chennai on 20.1.06.
The following members attended the meeting :
Prof.R.Venkataswami,Justice K.Venkataswami, Smt.V.Meenakshiammal, Dr.V.Sivarani, Dr.M.Seenivasan, Dr.V.Ragupathi and Sri.R.Rajendran.
Important decisions were taken in the meeting. New School Committees for Gandhiniketan Higher Secondary School and Gandhiniketan Primary School were formed. The minutes of the meeting has been circulated to all the Board members.
Fourth phase of training programmes were commenced in Dr.J.C.Kumarappa Institute of Rural Technology and Development on 7th December. 30 Candidates joined training in various courses. 5 Months training in Tailoring and Embroidery was commenced on 5th January. 21 Women have got admission in the training.
One week training in Spices and Masala Powder Making was given to 35 Women from Tsunami affected area i.e.Thiruchendur from 22-29 December.E.D.P. training to the REGP beneficiaries was conducted from 9th – 11th January’06.
Dr. J. C. Kumarappa Institute of Rural Technology and Development conducted EDP on Bio Manure and Vermi Compost to the farmers from Srivilliputhur, Rajapalayam, Sivakasi, Watrap area of Virudhunagar Dt., in January 2006. The programme was organised in association with Mr. Nakkiran, Rehoboth Agricultural & Industrial Consultancy, Watrap, Virudhunagar Dt.. About 200 farmers were trained in three batches.
DR. JCK’S BIRTHDAY ( January 4, 2006 )
Dr.J.C.Kumarappa’s Birthday was celebrated on 4th January’06 Special prayer was conducted at 6.00A.M. at Gandhi Mandap and again at 9.00A.M. in the campus of Kumarappa’s Cottage. Teachers, Workers, Trainees, Students attended the prayer and offered Pushpanchali (Flower Offering) to the Samadhi of Dr.J.C.Kumarappa. Sri.r.Rajendran Jt. Secretary remembered Dr.J.C.Kumarappa and delivered message in both the prayers.Smt.Mangalam, Teacher of Gandhiniketan Higher Secondary School explained the importance of Thiruvathirai (Arudhra Dharshan) in the special prayer held on 13th January.
INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITIES ( January 2, 2006 to January 4, 2006 )
To promote the sales of Khadi & Village Industries we conducted one Exhibition-cum-Sales Programme at Lakshmi Mahal from 2nd – 4th January. Ashram participated in the Sales Exhibition organized by KVIC in the southern districts.
The Chief Educational Officer Madurai Inspected the school activities on 4th January and appreciated its functions. State Level Higher Secondary Schools’ Badminton Tournament was held from 8-10 January. Smt.R.Rajeswari welcomed the players/competitors, PETs, and guests. Sri.R.Rajendran Jt.Secretary of the Ashram presided over the inaugural function. Dr.R.Muthukrishnan President of State Level Ball Badminton Association inaugurated the tournament in the colourful function. Players from 12 Divisions in the State played the tournament for three days. The PETs, Sportsmen and Officers appreciated the arrangements and cleanliness of the School and Ashram.
On 17th January the N.S.S., Scout boys/students of Higher Secondary School went round Kallupatti in procession as a mark of the celebration of World Health Day.

VISITORS ( January 4, 2006 TO MARCH 26, 2006)
Miss.Victoria Elliot and Anna Harshan came from U K on 7th January and they are taking classes in English subject to 1st Std Students. They will be staying with us till 26th March. It is a new experience for the students and teachers to interact with the young ladies from United Kingdom. Their method of teaching English was well appreciated. These two young ladies could adopt themselves to the ashram atmosphere. It is a mixing of two different cultures. We hope to have such visitors in the future.