Field Visit – Sivakasi Kaleeshwari College Commerce Students
We celebrated Christmas religious function on 18.12.2014 in our school auditorium. The function started with the prayer. In the meeting all the students and teachers participated.
Welcome address by our HM
Presidential Address by Dr.Sembon Davidson
Our Headmaster Mr.G.Muthuramalingam extended a harm welcome and told about the importance of the religious and the preaching. The student must also try to practice them. Dr.Sembon Davidson, Former Director Medical Education presided and blessed all.
Special Address by Rev.Father.Solomon
Vote of Thanks by our AHM
Rev.Father.Solomon, Missionary Christian member Bihar gave special speech. He spoke about the tolerance thoughts of “Jesus” that is love, apology and peace. He also asked all the students to follow these noble and spiritual ideas.
Selvan.MariGandhi, Mrs.S.Sethulakshmi Commerce Teacher and Mr.N.Ramanisekar B.T Asst sang Christmas songs. Our Assistant Headmaster Mr.K.Nagarajan thanked all. The function came to an end with the National Anthem.

Early morning Bajan group Round the Ashram areas
Morning Prayer
Prasadam distribution
Dr.J.C.Kumarappa Birth Day Celebration – 04.01.2015
Dr.J.C.Kumarappa Day was Celebrated in our Ashram on 4.1.15.The Celebration Started with a Special Prayer at 6A.M.In the special Prayer, all the Teachers, all the Staff of Ashram and Hostel students took part. Our Headmaster Mr.G.Muthuramalingam made all the arrangements for the Function.

Morning Prayer at Gandhimandabam
Our Chairman, gave Message in the Prayer through Skype. He told that our Founder G.Venkatachalapathy Ayya was a true devotee to Kumarappaji Dr.J.C.Kumarappa was a founder of Economic Policy. He gave very much importance to Village and Rural development. He was the only person who Conveyed all the important and necessary duties what are needed and to be done by the Government. He spent all the time Serving for the Welfare of our institution. We Should also follow the Principles of Kumarappaji.
Kumarappa Day Special message by Dr.K.Palanidurai
Our Chief guest Dr.K.Palani Durai, Head of the Department(RTD), Political Science, Gandhi Gram Rural University, Gandhi Gram told that Dr.J.C.Kumarappa was a transformational Leader, We should follow the quality of Simplicity of J.C.Kumarappa.This is the true tribute to our great Leader.

Bajan and Floral tribute
“Nama Sangeerthana Bajan Songs” were sung by Mr.Ramani Sekar Ayya and Group, in Shanthi Vanam at 9.00 A.M. After that we paid our tribute to the great Leader by ‘Malar Anjali’.
In Our Auditorium J.C.Kumarappa’s Birth Day Celebration Meeting started at 10.00 A.M.Gandhi Nikethan Ashram Secretary Mrs.V.Radha Welcomed the gatherings. Dr.V.Ragupathi, Governing Body Member, Gandhi Nikethan Ashram gave special message about J.C.Kumarappa.He Spoke about the economical thoughts of J.C.Kumarappa.He also told that J.C.Kumarappa chose Our Ashram as a Suitable Place for him to live in.
Welcome address by our Secretary Smt.V.Radha
Presidential Address by our Ashram Member
Mr.Palani Durai, Professor Delivered special Speech on that day.He Compared our Ashram to a holy place like ‘Sabari Malai’. There is transparency in the Gandhian Politics and thoughts were insisted by Kumarappaji.That is Called Alternative approach for development.He wanted to create peaceful Society.That is based on Love,Humanity and nature .Communal prayer is the wonderful investigation of Gandhi.
We Should lead life like a flower ,when the bud blossoms it will not make any sound, Similarly we should maintain silence when we give something to Somebody or to the Society. So, we should Possess good activity, good concentration, good behavior etc. That is the real tribute to the leader Dr.J.C.Kumarappa.
Special Address by Dr.V.Palanidurai
Vote of thanks by our HM
Our Headmaster Mr.G.Muthuramalingam, remembered that Dr.Joshph Corlenius Kumarappa was a True Indian Hindu, Indian Muslim and Indian Christian. He thanked all the participants and the function came to an end with the National Anthem.
Thiruvathirai was clebrated at Vinayagar temple in our Ashram. It is our traditional occasion to receive the blessings from lord Siva. After our Margali Bajan our School HM, Ashram AO, Our Staff members and Hostel students assembled at 7.00 am.

The Lord Natarajar and Sivakami Ammal were kept ready for Special Pooja. Abisegam were performed. All watched the wonderful sight our Ashram President and Dr.Venkatawami and Dr.Sivarani Amma also watched this Thiruvathirai through the Skype. This special Arathana followed it with different types of deepas. This was conducted by a prist along with our school teacher Mr.N.Ramanisekar. Finally Kazhi and Pongal Prasatham were distributed to the devotees.
Our school Annual Sports meet Started with Prayer at 8.30 A.M on 10.1.14 Saturday. Our Headmaster Mr.G.Muthuramalingam Welcomed the gathering. Then Flag Hoisting Ceremony began.
Welcome address by our HM
National Flag Hoisting by Mr.R.Raja
Govindasamy, Director,Manner Thirumalai
Naiakar College, Madurai
Welcome address by our HM
National Flag Hoisting by Mr.R.Raja
Govindasamy, Director,Manner Thirumalai
Naiakar College, Madurai
Olympic Flag hoisting by
Mr.J.M.Vishnuvarthan, Manager, IOB,
School Flag hoisting by Dr.M.R.Muraliraj MBBS,
Medical Officer,PHC, T.Kallupatti
Our Scool Flag – Hoisted by Dr. M.R Muraliraj M.B.B.S, Medical Officer, Primary Health Centre, T.Kallupatti.

March past
There was a beautiful March past by our Students . Mr.R.Raja Govindasamy, Director Manner Thirumalai Naikkar College was honoured by their Salutation. He lighted the Olympic torch and declared open the Sports events. The Students encouraged the Competitors . At the end there was Tug – of War and Lucky Corner Competition for Gents and Ladies Staff. They were very interesting and everybody enjoyed.

Prize Distribution


High Jump


The Sports Day Function Started at 4 P.M in our auditorium with the prayer. Our Headmaster Mr. G . Muthuramalingam welcomed all. Mr. K. Murugan, Physical Education Teacher presented the annual Report.
Sports Day Annual Report submitted by our
PET K.Murugan
Presidential Address by Dr.V.Sasimohan IPS,
DSP, Thirupparankundram
Dr.V.Sasimohan,I.P.S Deputy superindendant of Police, Thiruparankundram, delivered the presidential address . In his speech he Spoke about the importance of individual Skill and Values . We Should Learn to react in the emergency Situation We should not wait for the opportunities , we should Create opportunities . Then only we can achieve in our Life . Each should be bold and honest. We Should use soft words while Speaking to others.
He also insisted the Students that they Should Study not only for Marks but also for life. They must respect the teachers and parents . One of our Students today should be the chief guest to their School on one day as a higher Official.

Prize Distribution
The Chief guest Congratulated and distributed the Prizes to the Winners. Mr.K.Nagarajan, Assistant Headmaster thanked all . The Function came to an end with the National Anthem.
Gandhi Niketan G.Venkatachalapathy Primary School conducted sports day at our Higher Secondary School play ground on 12.01.2015. The function started with the prayer at 09.00 A.M. Mr.N.Nagajothi , Head master, Gandhi Niketan G.Venkatachalapathy Primary School welcomed the gatherings. Dr.V.Sathiyavan, Rtd.Professor Govt. Hospital, Madurai hoisted the National Flag. Olympic Flag was hoisted by Mr.R.Selvam, Officer, Fire Station, T.Kallupatti. Ashram Flag was hoisted by our Ashram A.O Mr.M.Nagarajan, our Hr Sec. school Headmaster Mr.G.Muthuramalingam hoisted by School Flag.

Welcome Address by our Primary School HM
National Flag Hoisted by Dr.V.Sathiyavan,
Rtd.Professor Govt. Hospital, Madurai
Olympic Flag hoisted by Mr.R.Selvam, Officer,
Fire Station, T.Kallupatti.
Ashram Flag Hoisted By our Ashram A.O.
School Flag Hoisted by our Hr.Sec.HM
There was on attractive March Past in which the students from Pre basic to 5th standard participated with balloons in the order of the four houses and honored the chief guest Dr.V.sathiyavan. Then the Olympic torch was taken to the ground followed by Tmt.S.Kowsalya Tmt.G.Vijayarani and K.Jayanthi in two wheelers. Dr.V.sathiyavan enlightened the torch and blessed the students at 10.00A.M.Sports events here started.
March past
Lighting the Olympic torch
- 50m. running
- 100m. running
- Frog race
- Kangaroo race
- Sack race
- Three legs running
- Skipping
- Lemon with spoon
- Walking on the pad
- Needle and thread
- Breaking balloon
- Putting balls into buckets etc..


Prize Distribution
‘Sakku’ Running
‘Kangaru’ Running
‘Frag’ Running
Filling the water game
Breaking balloon
Walking with Pad
Lemon with spoon walk
Putting balls into buckets
Altogether 21 competitions were conducted on the track. Kabadi competition was inaugurated by the chief guest . Heritage sports like nondi, thattankal, kilithattu and pachaikuthirai thanduthal were also given importance. Prizes were distributed to all the winners including the chess competition by chief guest, Higher secondary, primary teachers. Lucky corner competition was conducted for teachers and fast walking competition was conducted for students teachers in DIET. All the students encouraged the teacher and enjoyed.
Lucky corner for the teachers
Fast walk by D.Ted., Training Students
Prize Distribution
Vote of Thanks
The P.E.T’s Gandhi Niketan G.Venkatachalapathy Higher Secondary School Mr.K.Murugan and Mrs.Tamil Ilakiya helped in conducting all the sports events. At12.00P.M. the Sports day meeting started Primary school Headmaster Mr.N.Nagajothi honoured our chief guest. The chief guest distributed the prizes and congratulated the winners. Mrs.R.Parimala gave vote of thanks and the sports day was concluded with national Anthem.
We celebrated Mattu Pongal in our Ashram Dairy farm. Before celebrate our dairy farm building wall renovated, white washed and decorated for the festival. All the Cattle were washed well and decorated with flowers, sandal and kumkum.
Prize Distribution
Vote of Thanks
Pongal was prepared in the dairy farm after prayer pongal and sugarcane were distributed to the teachers students and cattle. Our school HM, AHM and staff members participated in this festival.

‘Ko’ Pooja
19.01.2015 to 20.01.2015
Science workshop was conducted in our school on 19.01.2015 and 20.01.2015 on behalf of our science club.
- To create interest in science among the students.
- To develop scientific thoughts.
- Observing the problems scientifically.
- Solving the problems with the help of scientific methods.
- To bring our creativity.
Mr.G.Muthuramalingam, Headmaster presided over the inaugural meeting. Mr.K.Nagarajan, Secretary, Science club welcomed the gatherings. The activities of Gandhiniketan G.Venkatachalapathy Science club and VIPNET were introduced by the co-ordinator Mr.S.Muralikrishnan, Science B.T. Assistant of our school.
Mr.Dhanasekar, Principal and Head of the Department EEE., AAA engineering college sivakasi was the chief guest. In his speech he guided the students through scientific examples and encouraged them. Our school Maths teacher Mrs.D.Malathi gave vote of thanks.

Inaugurate and Special Address by Mr.Dhanasekar, Principal and Head of the Department EEE.,
AAA Engineering College Sivakasi

19.01.2015 – Morning 9.30 AM to 12.30 PM – Physics
Afternoon 1.30 PM to 4.30 PM – Maths
20.01.2015 – Morning 9.30 AM to 12.30 PM – Biolog
Afternoon 1.30 PM to 4.30 PM – Chemistry
69 students from 7th Standard to XI STD were divided into 23 groups. They participated in the workshop. Each group presented 4 Projects in each subject. They submitted 92 projects in total.
In science Exhibitions students usually by articles from shop or they get done by their parents. But this workshop has entirely changed that. They did the projects themselves, discussed with the groups and explained before the department teachers.
While teaching science, they should understand the concept in the right way other wise it will spoil not only the students but also the society. This is the statement given by “Kothari Commission”. So, science education should give standard knowledge, life skill and scientific talents. The science workshop also induce the students to get all life skills through science.
Science only shifted the man from storage to information on technological period. We can get answer for the following questions why? How? And what from? Experiments, that is science. We have formed science club-VIPNET in our school also.
This gave the following results to the students who participated in the workshop
- Observation
- Measuring
- Recording
- Calculating
- Reasoning
- Find out the results
- Sharing

Some Projects in various Subjects
VIPNET is really proud of that. Usually the students wear and forget. But in the workshopthey see, remember and keep in mind, we did it and learnt in the workshop.
In the closing ceremony feedback was got by the students as well as the teachers. Both shared their experience. Teachers appreciated the students involvements, participation and sincerity in workshop. This kind of workshop will be conducted every year in our school.
REPUBLIC DAY -26.01.2015

Flag hoisting and special address by our Ashram Secreatary Mrs.V.Radha

Procession on Kallupatti Streets
Welcome address by our AHM Mr.K.Nagarajan
Special Address by our Ashram Secretary
Special Address by our Science BT Teacher
Dance by our students
Vote of thanks by our AHM Mr.M.Kajamohideen
(Gandhiji and Dr.J.C.Kumarappa remembrance day)
Sarvodaya Day was observed on 30.01.2015 in our Gnadhi Mandapam. At 6.00 am there was a special prayer. Hostel students, all the staff members of Gnadhi Niketan Ashram participated .The prayer was conducted by Mr.Ramanisekar and group. Dr.R.Venkatasami, president Gandhiniketan Ashram gave special talk on skype. He spoke about the principles of Gandhiji and J.C.Kumarappaji. He told that we are really lucky persons because the great leaders like Rajendra Prasad, Vinoba and Kumarappa had stepped into our Ashram. We should follow the principles and the foot steps of these leaders .
Early Morning Special Prayer at
Special address by our President
Prof.R.Venkataswami through Video chating.
Cleanliness is next to Godliness. We should teach what we practice. These are the noble qualities they had practiced in their lives. So we should also try to follow these noble qualities in our life.
After that a documentary film was shown to us. This is a film about how Kumarappa’s life was in Ashram from the year 1955 to 1960.Then we paid our homage to the great leaders by Malar Anjali.
Dr J.C.Kumarappa’s special Documentary Film
Floral offering
The main meeting started with the prayer at 9.00 am in our Auditorium. Mrs V.Radha Akka Secretary Gandhi Niketan Ashram welcomed the gathering and she honoured the Chief guests Dr.Kowsalyadevi Amma, Trustee Gandhigram and Mr.M.P.Gurusamy Ayya Secretary Gandhi Museum, Madurai.
Welcome address by our Secretary Smt.V.Radha
Special Address by Dr.Gowsalya Devi,
Gandhigram Rural University
Dr.Kowsalya devi Amma, in her presidential address, spoke about the importance of Sarvodaya Day. She asked the students to remember these two leaders not only on their birth and remembrance days but we should think about them daily. We should follow “Simplicity and Not waste anything” like those leaders.
Mr.M.P.Gurusamy Ayya secretary Gnadhi Museum, in his special speech remembered his past memories from 1959 to 1967 which was the golden period in his life. Only during that period he was working in our Gandhi Niketan Ashram. He told that Gandhiji is the person who awarded the ‘doctorate’ to Kumarappa after reading Kumarappa’s book “Economy of permanence”.
Gandhiji accepted Nehruji as his political disciple, Kumarappaji as his Economic disciple and Vinobaji as his spiritual Guru.
Both the leaders ( Gandhiji and Kumarappaji) led their lives with
- Truth fullness in speech. “Vaimai and
- Sincerity in duties – “Meimmai”
He noted five steps that the students should learn from these leaders
- Simplicity
- Service to the Society
- Loving the nation
- Interest in developing the villages
- Planning the life to attain our gaols
Special Address by M.P.Gurusamy
Vote of thanks by our Headmaster
Then our Headmaster Mr.G.Muthuramalingam gave vote of Thanks. The function came to an end with the National Anthem.
There are people in the world so hungry that God can not appear to them except in the form of Bread” ( Mahatma Gandhi ).
July 2015 Events
Diamond Jubilee Celebrations of the Gandhi Niketan Ashram and 106th Birthday Celebrations of the Founder Amarar G.Venkatachalapathy an Inter School Competition among the Higher Secondary and High School students belonging to Usilampatti Educational District
In connection with the 106th Birth day Celebration of our founder of Gandhi Niketan Ashram Amarar G.Venkatachalapathy and 75th Annual Day Celebrations of the Gandhi Niketan Ashram, Inter school competitions in various activities among the Higher Secondary and High School Students belonging to Usilampatti Educational District were held.
Literary, Art competitions – 13.07.2015 (First Day)
In Tamil literature, Elocution, Essay Writing, Lyrics Writing competitions were conducted on 13.07.2015 more than 17 schools from Usilampatti Educational District participated in the competitions
The winners are
Elocution – P.K.N. Boys Hr.Sec.School , Tirumangalam
Essay writing – P.K.N. Girls Hr.Sec.School , Tirumangalam
Song – Gandhi Niketan G.V.Hr.Sec.School, T.Kallupatti
Lyrics – Gandhi Niketan G.V.Hr.Sec.School, T.Kallupatti
Drawing – Gandhi Niketan G.V.Hr.Sec.School, T.Kallupatti
Essay Writing
SECOND DAY (14.07.2015)
Drama and Individual Talent Competitions were held on 14.07.2015. More than 9 schools from Usilampatti Educational district participated
The winners are
Dance – P.K.N. Girls Hr.Sec.School , Tirumangalam
Drama – Gandhi niketan G.V.Hr.Sec.School, T.Kallupatti
The third day competitions were conducted as Village Heritage Sports on 15th July 2015.
In the presence of our Headmaster and teachers, Ashram Secretary Mrs.V.Radha, Madurai Chief Educational Officer Mr.Angelo Irudayasami declared open the competitions. More than 10 schools from Usilampatti Educational district participated.
Inauguration of Village Heritage Sports by Mr.J.Angelo Irudhayasamy, CEO, Madurai
Thattangal, kilthattu, Nondi, Tennikoit, Co-Co were the games played by the female students. Kabbadi, Pambaram, Kitti, Basket Ball and Volley Ball were played by the male students. The boys and girls took part with enthusiasm in the more or less forgotten Competitions.
Kho Kho
Volley ball
Basket Ball
The winners are
Thattangal – Govt.Hr.Sec.School Sedapatti
Nondi – Govt.Hr.Sec.School Sedapatti
Kho – Kho – Govt.Hr.Sec.School Sedapatti
Tennikoit – Govt.Hr.Sec.School Vellakulam
Kilithattu – Gandhi Niketan G.V.Hr.Sec.School, T.Kallupatti
Kabadi – Gandhi Niketan G.V.Hr.Sec.School, T.Kallupatti
Basket Ball – Gandhi Niketan G.V.Hr.Sec.School, T.Kallupatti
Volley Ball – Gandhi Niketan G.V.Hr.Sec.School, T.Kallupatti
Top (Pambaram)- Govt High School, Gopinayakkanpatti

Our Primary School Students
Science Exhibition -16.07.2015 to 17.07.2015
Dr.Jeyachandran CECRI Karaikudi and Dr.Maruthamuthu declared opened the exhibition. Dr.Jeyachandran emphasized that students should have interest in doing researches in all subjects. The experts can create any thing meaningful.
Welcome address by our HM
Chief Guest Address by Dr.M.Jeyachandran, Scientist, CECRI, Karaikudi
Inaguration of Science Exhibition
Physics Department
Maths Department
Bio-Zoology Department
Bio-Botany Department
Art Gallery
Many schools participated in Science Exhibition. Our Ashram Secretary and our Headmaster selected the best project from other school.
The winner are,
Al Ameen Higher Secondary school – Thirumangalam
P.K.N Girls Hr.Sec.School – Thirumangalam
Govt High School – Gopinayakkanpatti.
CULTURAL DAY – 24.07.2015 & 25.07.2015
As a part of our Anniversary We Celebrated the cultural festival on 24.07.2015 and 25.07.2015 in our school auditorium.
The Cultural Programme was started with the prayer. Our Ashram Secretary Mrs.V.Radha welcomed the gatherings. Our President Prof.R.Venkataswami inaugurated the function through Skype. In his talk he told that students should develop their individual talents. It will help them to shine in future life. Identifying those kinds of students is not only the duty of the teachers but also the duty of the parents.
Then Dr.V.Ragupathi Governing Body Member of the Ashram gave inaugural speech. In the function all the students, teachers and parents were also present. Our Headmaster Mr.G.Muthuramalingam welcomed all.
The students of our Primary School gave the following cultural items.Baratham, Fancy dress, Mahabaratham drama, Group Dance and Aerobics. Mrs.Vijayarani and Mrs.Uma Maheswari sang a song jointly. Mrs.Parimala, Headmistress Gandhiniketan G.V.Primary school gave vote of thanks.
Kannan Radhai Dance
a scene from Mahabharatham
Fashion Show
Umbrella Dance
After the break the programmes of our Higher Secondary School began. Bharatham, Kolattam, Kummi, Kerala Dance, Aerobics, Kavadiattam, Karaham, Mimeshow, Tamil Drama and English Drama were performed. Teachers drama and Villupattu were also performed.
Paramarthaguru Drama – enacted by our School Teachers
Mime Show
National Integration Dance
Historical Drama
Thai thirunal Dance
English Drama – a Scene from The merchant of Venice
Kannan Radha Dance
Uzhavar Nadanam
Villupattu-by our school teachers
Kerala dance
Tamil Drama-Manimegalai
Social Drama