As a preparatory work and preplanning for this academic year, the school staff council met on 30.05.08 and discussed the various aspects for the improvement of the ashram schools. All the teachers attended the meeting and they were divided into seven subject groups. All seven groups submitted their detailed reports in the evening in which they have explained their future course of action to be followed through out this year.
In his introductory address Prof. R.Venkataswami, the President of Gandhi Niketan Ashram, congratulated the staff for scoring 100% result in XII Std and 98.7% in X Std. He also introduced the theme KNOW YOUR STUDENTS for this year. He also suggested to form a students council this year to encourage and enable students to take active part in the school activities. He also advised the staff to conduct the club meetings at least once in two-months.
The second day of the in-service meeting was conducted on 01.06.2008. Both the Primary and Higher Secondary school teachers attended the meeting. Prof .Nedumaran, Retd. Professor of English, American College, Madurai and presently the Founder Director, Spead2Achieve, Chennai, addressed the teachers and motivated them to be successful in their career. In his speech, he emphasized that a teacher should be a good communicator. On behalf of the students he raised a number of questions like
- Can I trust you ?
- Are you committed to excellence?
- Do you care for me ?
He also stressed that the teachers should have a clean mind and passion for teaching. Values, belief, self-esteem, self-image and self-talk are the necessary traits needed for a good teacher.
Prof. Nedumaran enumerated various stages in the career of a teacher.
- Launching a career
- Stabilization
- New challenge
- Reaching a flat
- Final stage
The professor is of the opinion that a good teacher should confine to the first three stages only and should never enter into the last two stages. He also added that teachers must speak to achieve, their thoughts and dreams should be pure and clear.
He said that a good teacher should possess the following qualities
- Power of accent
- Power of content
- Power of skill
- Power of knowledge
- Power of wisdom
All the teachers were divided into five groups and were given a list of questions to discuss and present a report. There was an active participation and enthusiastic presentation from the teachers. The professor appreciated and admired the intellectual and practical presentation of the reports.
The meeting began with the broadcast of the President’s telephonic welcome address and ended with a vote of thanks by Mrs. Rajeswari, the Headmistress of the Higher Secondary School.

Gandhiniketan higher secondary school has achieved 100 percent results in the public examination held in March 2008. The highest mark is 1090. It is indeed a great achievement of the students from the rural areas from in and around T. Kallupatti where most of them are from poor economic group. This achievement is first of its kind in the history of our institution. The credit goes to the teaching staff who have put in very good work during the academic year. Congratulations to the boys and girls who had risen up to the occasion.

With the continuous efforts and personal influence of the Ashram President Prof.R.Venkataswami, some philanthropic owners of professional educational institutions have offered to give a few free seats to the top scorers in +2 of the Ashram School.
Such students who have been so admitted need not pay any capitation fees, tuition fees, etc. Professional Education is absolutely free for them until they complete their education.

Four passed out students for the academic year ended 2006-2007 were given free seats, one in a Medical College and three in Engineering Colleges.
Similarly, four passed out students for the academic year ended 2007-2008 have been given free seats, three in Engineering Colleges and one in a Medical College.
We wish them good luck and great performance. After all, the Ashram community shall only feel proud when they stand up to the expectations of the sponsoring colleges. The Ashram community stands together in thanking our President Prof.R.Venkataswami for such a selfless service which would otherwise cost a lot to the students & their parents.
The day’s events started at 6.00 am with a special prayer. The Ashram community living in the ashram and at the local village came in large numbers and attended the morning prayers. This was held at Kove Manimandapam. The president of the ashram Prof R Venkataswami recollected the great personal qualities which the founder had all through his life. His greatest asset was that he was never jealous of anybody. He never had too many wants and he never spoke ill of anybody. He was a man who believed in not criticizing anybody and he always looked at the positive qualities of people. These great qualities made him a role model to emulate. He also stressed that any man has its personal life as well as public life. Our founder had excellent qualities in both the lives.

At 9.00 am the students of both the schools numbering 2,500 along with the teaching staff of the schools and the members of the JC Kumarappa Institute both staff and students and the ashram workers assembled at ‘Shanthivan’ for Harinama sangeerthanam. This was led by Mr Kadambarajan and Mr Ramani. It was a highly exilarating performance by one and all. Following this there was offering flowers at the Samadhi of the founder.
At 10.00 am relay spinning was started at Kove Manimandapam which ended at 4.00 pm. At the same time all assembled at the school auditorium at 10.00 am our chief guest was Mr.S.Ramakrishnan founder president of Amar seva sangham at Ayyakudi in Thirunelveli district. He is a remarkable man. His life history is most exciting to go through. One feels humbled when one finds that at the age of 27 he lost all the four limbs in an injury to the spinal cord and during the last 30 years he took his life as a challenge and devoted all his energy towards the betterment of physically handicapped, mentally handicapped and the rural poor.
One feels really humble in his presence and nothing is difficult compared to what he has undergone in this world. The meeting started with prayer, President welcomed the gathering and Mr. Ramakrishnan was honored and he gave his Founder’s Remembrance Day address. He exhorted one and all to emulate the Founder’s qualities and came forward to associate his organization with Gandhiniketan Ashram. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks proposed by the Secretary and finally the national anthem was sung.